This post is about the Roblox group: Harrison Incorporated.
This post is to make you aware of our game rules we use in our games. By playing any of our games you automatically agree to the rules and failure to abide them will result in possible punishment.
- Do not spam the !help command. An admin will see it you just need to have patience.
- Do not use any morphs you aren’t supposed to use. At every morph there is a text for which team it is.
- Do never inject DLL’s or exploit on our games. This is even against the Roblox Community Rules and we want to keep our games safe.
- Do not use alt account or bots to cause drama in our games.
- Do not ask for admin or mod. We open applications every now and then.
- Do not abuse glitches in your own advantage. It’s not needed and it might ruin gameplay for other player’s.
- Do not impersonate staff members or important person’s for our group.
- We have restricted area’s for specific teams. We are responsible for making signs saying whether you can enter the area or not.
- Staff member’s decision is final. Don’t create drama or discussion because of how a Moderator acted.