Has roblox removed the option to archive meshes?

recently some assets i made and uploaded got leaked, that time i used the new importer tool, and when i went to check the configure page on the mesh, it didnt showed me the option to archive it

today i was testing it with the old importing tool, but i encountered the same issue, the only answer for me right now is that roblox removed that function to archive meshes, if thats true, is there another way to archive my assets like contacting roblox support?

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Wrong category.

Use this one #help-and-feedback:platform-usage-support - “This is a support category for asking questions about how to get something done on the Roblox websites or how to do something on Roblox applications such as Roblox Studio.”


Should be able to archive meshes on Creator Dashboard > Development Items > Meshes.
If you hover over the asset and click the three dots button, there should be an archive option?

Hi there old topic I know. But I’m noticing it’s also gone on my end, even tried it on an in private session without the website add-ons I use, both are not loading the expected option under meshes within Firefox and Edge, it will load under images just fine however…

Hi yes, we’re trying to achieve a few messages because our assets have been leaked and spread across the platform, now realising that is gone.

for future models, make sure to un mark on the import options the setting “Import only as models”, if u dont do that, the mesh wont show up on the meshes on your inventory and u wont be able to archive it