Here are the following group shouts that are required. They will be labeled to see which is which.
This DevForum Post is for Executive+ and this sensitive information may not be disclosed under any reason.
Training Shouts
Hosting a training
Hosting a training is one of the many wonderful things here at Hasaki’s, you are required to have the proper guide and the usage of the proper formatting for the session. The guide can be found in the #sessions-guide channel on discord.
You’ll need to shout the session 15 min before it starts.
- [TRAININGS] Hosted by NAME | Adorations, everyone! A training session is being hosted at the Training Center. The session shall commence at :XX.
Once the session commences at :XX, you’ll need to shout the locking shout. It’s suggested to send the s-lock shout 5 min before the commencing time.
- [TRAININGS] Hosted by NAME | Adorations, everyone! The training assembly has successfully begun! Apologies, if you’re late! Why not head on down to the cafe to get a cakepop, sounds good to me!
Once the session concludes, you’ll need to shout the concluded shout. Before sending this shout, you need to log the entire session and the staff who were there.
- [TRAININGS] Hosted by NAME | Adorations! The training assembly has now concluded. Congratulations to those who have passed, and apologies to those who have failed. Why not head on down to the cafe
Shift Shouts
Hosting a shift is another wonderful thing here at Hasaki’s for an Executive+. You are required to have usage of the proper formatting. In the future, we will have a shift guide to become of assistance for you.
Before commencing, it’s asked to announce the hosting of your shift 5 min before it commences.
- [SHIFT] Hosted by NAME | A shift is being hosted at the cafe! Head on down to the Cafe for a possible promotion, sounds good to me!
A shift should run for about 20 min at most, it’s suggested to have a promotion but you’ll need to ask a member of our corporate team for that. Once the shift concludes, you can use the h command and say it’s now concluded and shout the concluded message.
- [SHIFT] Hosted by NAME! | The shift has now officially concluded! Thank you to everyone who participated in the shift! Why not head on down to the cafe to grab a drink?
Discord Shouts
EMOJI | Training Session | HOSTED BY @USER
Adorations, @→ Session Ping! A training assembly is about to commence at TIME! You may not join the training center until the next shout has been posted. Please react if you’re participating in this session. Please refrain from adding any further reactions to this message.
Delete the first shout and put the second one which is below;
EMOJI | Training Session | HOSTED BY @USER
Adorations, @→ Session Ping! A training assembly is about to commence at TIME! You may begin commencing to join the server with the game attached to this message.
Low Ranks may participate in the training assembly. Middle Ranks may assist.
Training Center - Roblox
EMOJI | Cafe Shift
Adorations, @→ Session Ping! A shift is about to commence at TIME! Please begin to make your way to the cafe!
Our shift will be hosted on the SERVERNUMBER server.
EMOJI Low Ranks: We will reward low ranks with prizes such as promotions, if you are seen hard-working and active.
EMOJI Management Team & Executives: Please join the game to meet your activity requirements, you also are needed to help stop trollers/exploiters.
- To conclude, just delete the message