hello all. Below I have a table which can be defined as currenPlayers, and i’m trying to check if the number of children in the table is equal to 1, if so the game should be over and give the player their wins. And it my function was working until I tested with more than two players, where it threw a ton of errors. I then tried changing it to what it is below where I use GetChildren and find the length of that, but it’s telling me that im trying to call a nil value, even though I am able to print out the entire table and it shows up in the output. Is there something I’m doing wrong with this check or is it something bigger?
if #currentPlayers:GetChildren() == 1 then
inGame.Value = false
char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.SpawnLocation.CFrame + Vector3.new(0,5,0)
currentPlayers[1].leaderstats.Wins.Value = currentPlayers[1].leaderstats.Wins.Value + 1
repStorage.gameStatus.Value = currentPlayers[1].Name.." Won!"
I assume currentPlayers is an array, not an object, therefore the :GetChildren() method doesn’t exist. Instead use the # operator directly on the array: if #currentPlayers == 1
Seems like the issue you are having is not removing players from the table correctly when they die. As someone said before, tables are seperate data types than instances so they don’t inherit methods like GetChildren. Using a hashtag operator on a table, specifically an array, will return the size.
no actually. I did some tests, and everytime the table shows up with the correct players, it removes the first player that died correcctly, but as the first picture shows, the same player is dying twice and then for some reason removes a random index from the table. so the problem is that the output is showing the same player dying, when it should be two seperate players
edit: the second picture I posted was incorrect, i messed something up
local repStorage = game.ReplicatedStorage
local inGame = repStorage.inGame
local intermissionTime = 10
local intervalTime = 200
local spinner = game.Workspace.spinner
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local currentPlayers = {}
local char
local leaderstats
local startPlatform = game.Workspace.startPlatform
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = player
local Wins = Instance.new("IntValue")
Wins.Name = "Wins"
Wins.Parent = leaderstats
local function removeplayers(char)
local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
print(player.Name.." died")
table.remove(currentPlayers, table.find(currentPlayers, player))
print(currentPlayers, "Test")
if #currentPlayers == 1 then
print(currentPlayers[1].Name.." Won!")
inGame.Value = false
char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.SpawnLocation.CFrame + Vector3.new(0,5,0)
currentPlayers[1].leaderstats.Wins.Value = currentPlayers[1].leaderstats.Wins.Value + 1
repStorage.gameStatus.Value = currentPlayers[1].Name.." Won!"
while true do
local multi = 1
if #Players:GetChildren() >= minPlayerCount then
startPlatform.CanCollide = true
inGame.Value = true
currentPlayers = Players:GetChildren()
for i,v in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
v.CharacterRemoving:Connect(removeplayers) --fires the removeplayers function
v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.startPos.CFrame
if inGame.Value == true then
for i = intermissionTime, 1, -1 do
repStorage.gameStatus.Value = "Time remaining in intermission: "..i
startPlatform.CanCollide = false
repStorage.gameStatus.Value = "Last to survive wins!"
while inGame.Value == true do
for i = intervalTime, 1, -1 do
spinner.CFrame = spinner.CFrame*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,(0.015*multi),0)
multi = multi*1.2
The reason why your code appears to be firing multiple times for one player is most likely because you are connecting this function every loop iteration for all the players. You can fix this by moving this completely out of the while loop. Alternatively you could connect this each round but then you would have to track connections and it seems pretty useles to reconnect this each time. The first solution is probably best.