Recently I’ve been getting reports of players with extremely large hats and I know they’re doing it through the snippet of the code below, but I don’t know how it works. The solution I’ve come up with is to check if a hat’s OriginalSize value has been destroyed, but I have yet to put this into effect. This post is also to raise awareness of this issue.
Why does destroying the OriginalSize value and reparenting it cause hats to grow?
local Hat = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Accessory")
Hat.Parent = workspace
firetouchinterest() is a synapseX function, I have no idea how to reproduce it in studio.
Searching this up on youtube yields some roblox exploit youtubers showcasing this script.
If you want the whole script it’s on pastebin with the code in the url being T2iJDHi8
Just touch it. I assume firetouchinterest triggers a TouchInterest instance, aka the thing behind the .Touched event.
Edit: Yeah, literally just deleting the OriginalSize and putting it on again changes the size. I assume whether/how much it shrinks/grows is based on the original mesh’s size.
It works fine for me. Are you using an actual accessory on your avatar or something custom? If it’s something custom, you might have messed up with some configuration stuff.