Hat Importer - Easily import any hat in your game!

Hat Importer

Hello people of the DevFourm,

I have recently created a plugin called Hat Importer. With this Plugin you can easily import a asset with just its ID.

Link: Hat Importer - Roblox

How to use

  1. Go to the Plugin tab and find Hat Importer. After you have found the Hat Importer button, click on it.
  2. After you have clicked on the Hat Importer button, a menu should appear. Find a hat you would like to import and input its ID in the HatID input box.
  3. Once the id has been interested, (OPTIONAL) Set a position you would like the hat to spawn in. After you have done so click Spawn.

    And now you have your hat imported :happy1:

Bug report

If you experience any bugs you can’t report them here

  • Twitter : LuaCultist
  • Roblox : TheRoxly
  • DevFourm : This comment’s post lmao

An interesting plugin, but honestly I can just type:


In the command bar, replacing the “AssetID” with the Asset ID.
It does the exact same thing.

EDIT: Multiple plugins already exist which do exactly the same thing:



(Same plugin from below)

As a bonus, this one doesn’t import all hats but has a wide selection of them:


Indeed but would you rather type that out every time or have a UI you can pull out any time?

Its not that hard to type. If anything it’d take longer because you also have to enter the position.


The default position is 0,0,0 so no need to type it out

And if you haven’t seen the “Optional” part in the how to use section, it’s optional. And if anything it’s way better because now you can add a position without extra work or not add a position and not have to do extra work!

We already have this

Plugin for Importing Catalog items



I have seen your edit and wanted to thank you for you advertising similar plugins, that I didn’t know the existence of, on my post! That is very nice of you!!! ;D

Also I am confused…

As you recalled you can just type that, so why do you know such a selections of PlugIns that achieves the same thing if you can just do as you said before.


I don’t use those plugins. I found them by doing a search in the library. I know that they exist, but that doesn’t mean I will use them. It just means I acknowledge their existence and would like to share that acknowledgement with y’all.

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