Haukai | Public Handbook

Introduction to Haukai :cherry_blossom:

Haukai is a fresh and innovative restaurant located on the tropical beaches of Oʻahu. Our mission is to foster a lively and welcoming community for all our guests and staff. Our dedicated team is here to ensure you have an unforgettable experience. We strive to create a fun yet authentic atmosphere for everyone. We hope your time at Haukai leaves you with lasting memories!

Training Schedule

At Haukai our trainings are held every three hours each day, with the exceptions of holidays. Below you can find the schedule of all of our times in the EST (Eastern Standard Time) timezone. Feel free to use online resources to transfer these times to your correct timezone.

  • 3:00 AM EST
  • 6:00 AM EST
  • 9:00 AM EST
  • 12:00 PM EST
  • 3:00 PM EST
  • 6:00 PM EST
  • 9:00 PM EST
  • 12:00 AM EST
Group Positions Information

Customer: A regular customer of Haukai.

Notable Customer: Former Board of Directors or above. These users have contributed heavily to the operations and general management of Haukai and will be recognised for their hard work.

Affiliate Representative: Representatives of our affiliated groups.

Awaiting Training: Individuals who have applied to join our staff team and have access to our training facility.

Skilled Staff: Individuals who have attended and passed a training at our training facility. These users are eligible to work at our restaurant, and can attend another training to rank up.

Lead Staff: Individuals who have attended and passed a second training at our training facility. These users are no longer eligible to attend our trainings, and must work hard at the restaurant in order to progress to Star Staff.

Star Staff: Users who have been noticed by a Manager or above for their dedication as a Lead Staff and have been promoted to Star Staff. Users in this position should continue to work hard in order to gain eligibility for Staff Assistant.

Staff Assistant: The first management position of Haukai. These users have shown strong dedication and work ethic as Star Staff and have been awarded a promotion by a Manager or above. These users are eligible to assist at trainings and supervise the restaurant. You should approach these users if you have any inquiries or reports regarding disruptive players. Position Limit: 50

Supervisor: These users have shown great dedication and hard work and have been promoted to Supervisor. Individuals with this position are eligible to train at training sessions and can server ban disruptive players. You should approach these users if you encounter an exploiter, troller or bypasser at any of our facilities. Position Limit: 40

Manager: These users have shown incredible dedication towards their position and have been awarded a promoted to Manager. These users are eligible to host training sessions, as well as supervise the restaurant. These users can permanently ban disruptive players, and should only be approached if there is a bypass to a previous ban. Position Limit: 35

Coordinator: The highest Middle Rank position of Haukai. These users have shown extraordinary dedication to their position and have showcased their skills in a variety of ways. These users have been awarded a promotion to Coordinator. Coordinators are eligible to promote Star Staff to Staff Assistant, and work as interns in our departments. These users may host at training sessions and supervise the restaurant. Individuals under this position are able to recommend promotions for other middle ranks to executives. They should only be approached in extreme situations, if there is no other middle ranks available. Position Limit: 30

Board of Directors: The first high rank position of Haukai. These users have shown exceptional dedication and hard work during their time as a middle rank and have been promoted to the executive team. Individuals within this rank are members of either our Staff Management or Public Affairs departments. They are required to work within our departments and assist Managers and above with inquiries. Position Limit: 20

Executive Officer: These users have showcased astounding dedication to their position as a high rank and have been promoted to Executive Officer, and have been granted the opportunity to co-lead their department. These users oversee the operations of their departments and work closely with their board to ensure deadlines are met and tasks are completed. These users are experienced and have a vast variety of knowledge surrounding their department. Position Limit: 6

Operations Director: These users have shown sensational dedication and hard work towards their position as an Executive Officer and have been promoted to Operations Director. These users now lead their department and ensure that all group operations are running smoothly. They work closely with the officers to ensure all department duties are completed, and work with the Presidential Board to report on the group’s operations. These users are very knowledgeable and experienced within their position and have a strong work ethic towards their job. Position Limit: 5

Presidential Board: The first Leadership position at Haukai. These users have shown unforgettable dedication and hard work towards their position as a high rank and have been recruited to join the Presidential Board. The Presidential Board of Haukai oversee all group operations and manage the development of Haukai. This rank is difficult to obtain. Position Limit: 3

President: The individuals under this position have been handpicked by the owner to oversee all operations and assist the board on group management. Users in this position have shown outstanding dedication and loyalty to Haukai and have made a long lasting impression on the group. Their duties are confidential. Position Limit: 2

Co Owner: The individuals under this position have been handpicked by the owner to operate and manage Haukai’s facilities, staff teams, and development. They work closely with the Leadership Team to ensure all operations are running smoothly. Their duties are confidential. Position Limit: 2

Owner: The owner and main operator of Haukai. This rank is reserved for aecith and cannot be obtained.

Department Information

Here at Haukai we have a variety of departments that work on many different aspects of our group operations and duties. Below you can find valuable information regarding these departments and their teams. Please reach out to a department co-lead or lead if you have any inquiries regarding departments.

Staff Management: Our Staff Management department oversees all of our middle rank duties, our staff promotions, and our low rank (Lead Staff & Star Staff) promotions. Users in this department deal with staff discipline and are responsible for the warnings, suspensions, and demotions of our lrs and mrs, as well as the trial periods for new management members. This department has two seperate teams:

  • Disiplinary Team: Deals with the weekly management requirements and disciplines those who do not meet their requirements. They oversee all weekly sessions and offer support to management members who may struggle to meet their requirements.

  • Internship Team: Deals with the internships of new management members and trialing Coordinators who are eligible for a promotion to their chosen department. They ensure each intern completes their internship and offers support and guidance to new staff members.

Both of these teams collaborate to manage our management team members and work together to ensure all staff management duties are to be met. These separated teams help users engage in a smaller team and allow for quicker and more effective work.

Public Affairs: Our Public Affairs department oversees all of our affiliations, community interactions, giveaways and events. They ensure that all interactions and events run smoothly, and that our affiliate representatives are communicating effectively and are working with our team. This department has two seperate teams:

  • Affiliate Team: This team manages all of our affiliations such as applications, representatives, terminations, warnings, and acceptances. All Public Affairs members represent at our affiliates, however, the Affiliate Team are there to answer inquiries or concerns regarding our affiliates and any new applications we may receive. Please check the Affiliate Guide if you are curious about a potential partnership between your group and Haukai.

  • Community Engagement Team: This team manages all of our community engagements such as daily interactions, giveaways, spirit weeks, and award ceremonies. All Public Affairs members get an input to our spirit weeks and awards, however, this team works closely with the Leadership Team to ensure all aspects of our events run smoothly, and offers more space for discussion with a smaller group of department members. Feel free to reach out to a member of this team if you have any questions regarding their duties.

Both of these teams collaborate to manage and represent at our affiliates, work on events, schedule events, and engage with our community. These separated teams help users engage in a smaller team and allow for quicker and more effective work.

Moderation: Our Moderation department is not an actual standalone department. This department is accessible to our community moderators and those in our management and executive teams who are interested in moderating our community. Applications for this department open every now and again, and experience is highly preffered. Moderators are expected to regularly watch and moderate our public channels to ensure that everyone is following our rules and no one is violating any ToS. Moderators have permission to mute, kick, or ban anyone breaking the rules. This permission will immediately get removed for those who try to abuse these commands.

Affiliation Guide

Are you interested in forming an alliance with Haukai? You have come to the right place. Please be sure to read all of the requirements stated below before sending your application to a Public Affairs member, or else your application will be denied. If you have any questions regarding our affiliate system, please reach out to a Public Affairs member or lead.

  • Must have - Roblox group members, and - non-botted Discord server members.
  • No history of selling ranks or any involvement of drama in the industry
  • Be willing to announce Haukai’s events and spirit weeks, and actively engage with our representatives.
  • Activity within both your experiences and Discord server on a daily basis.
  • Have at least 2 prepared representatives that will be willing to announce whatever we ask and are willing to represent your group.

If you feel as though your group either meets or exceeds these requirements, and are still wanting to apply, please reach out to a Public Affairs member with the “Affiliate Team” role. These users specifically deal with affiliate applications. If you do not hear back from the team, your application has been denied. Please send the following questions, along with your answers, to any team Affiliate Team member.

  • Why are you interested in affiliating with Haukai?
  • Please provide the links to your group.
  • Please provide the contact details (Discord usernames & Roblox usernames) of the two representatives from your group that will represent at Haukai.
  • How can you benefit Haukai?
Important Links


Haukai Restaurant
Haukai Training Center
Haukai Event Center
Haukai Application Hub

Star Staff Promotion Guide

If you are looking to further your skills and journey and Haukai, and have an interest in joining our management team, then you are in the right place! Below you can find our recommendations to what you should do in order to increase your chances of a promotion to Staff Assistant. Please direct any questions regarding these recommendations to a Staff Management member.

  • 30+ minutes a day working at the restaurant.
  • Grammar, professionalism, maturity and hard work displayed.
  • Over the age of 13
  • No bad reputation or records in Haukai or any of our affiliated groups
  • No record of hinting or begging for a promotion
  • No safechat

:alarm_clock: This handbook was last updated on October 22nd, 2024.