Have Leaderboards on the Developer Forums

Hi. I am Sky, one of the many users of the Roblox Developer Forums.

So recently, I have been thinking about something. Something that may be fun & competitive for DevForum users. Leaderboards. Now, here’s how it would work. There would be three categories. One would be most time read. Another one would be most likes receives. Finally, the last category would be most solutions received by others, and not by you. These leaderboards would be global and would be categorized daily, weekly, and monthly. This would get DevForum users to go on the DevForums more, and try to get on to these leaderboards.

This is completely my opinion. Would you agree with this?

  • Yes!
  • No.

0 voters

Thank you and have a great day! :slight_smile:


These kinds of threads have been made countless times before. The reason people don’t put these kinds of things in here is because some people will only post for likes and solutions. Likewise, the Developer Forum isn’t about competition, it’s about helping people. This can also lead to less intuitive replies because all they care about is their username on the top of the leader board.


Example you compete trying to get a solution.
People might post spam and repeat what others have said in the post. The creator of the post would be confused who to decide as solution. It also breaks a rule which spamming is not allowed.
I don’t think this feature will be added to the forum.

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Just so you know you can already see the users with the most posts read and likes received on the Users page. However, it is not a “leaderboard” and should not be used as one. Like @VegetationBush said, the Devforum isn’t about competition, intentions should be to genuinely help, not to be at the top of a leaderboard.


Okay. I see. There are cons to this as well.


I am sorry but no. I see and understand your point of view but I honestly think this would make the developer forum more toxic and stressful.

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We’re not here up for competition. Seriously. The environment is intended for problems and solutions in development and not really a game.


Usually any idea that rewards users for posting instantly gets shut down because they would result in users making meaningless contributions just for the reward. So it is best we leave this idea of competition alone. All of the top contributors, post approvals, sages, are where they are from their contributions because they mean it. Their reputation and status in this forum came naturally.

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I am confused to say, “yes” or “no”

Why? Because here is the thing, before on the roblox website itself the player point leaderboard was chaos. And i also thought that this leaderboard is good for devforum likes. It could be botted also tbh.

So i’m neutral against this.


The DevForum isn’t supposed to be a competition, something like this wouldn’t be necessary or useful in any way.

Internet has enough pressure to perform. Let’s not contribute to making it worse. :slightly_smiling_face: