What do you want to achieve?
So the player does not need to shoot the humanoid again after the humanoid died
What is the issue?
Once the player kills the other player, it won’t add 1 to the killers “Kills” leaderstat. To add 1 to the Killers “Kill” leaderstat the player needs to shoot the humanoid while its at 0 health again and then it will add it.
What solutions have you tried so far?
I tried making a seperate section for when the bullet reaches the humanoid, Youtube and some people I know, but no luck.
This section checks if the dummy that was hit is at 0 health, if so it will add 1 to the leaderstat fh = dummy that was hit by the bullet
if fh.Health <= 0 then
local player = players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(tool.Parent)
player.leaderstats.Kills.Value += 1
Before this section you should put a a print statement like print(fh.Health)immediately after fh is supposed to be hit by the bullet. This would tell if fh is getting hit or not.
Are you using Raycasting, or Touched events to register the hit? Touched events for high speed items like bullets sometimes fail due to lag & the physics involved.