Having a problem with vector 3 and worldposition

trying to make a object come out of a model (a gun), and the script i have in it thats having a problem and preventing it from working is

local origin = spawnPos.WorldPosition

i took out the world bit but i still get “not a valid member of vector3” and idk what to do

I don’t think that’s a property of Vector3s.

What are you trying to do here exactly?

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What’s spawnPos supposed to be?

What are you trying to do? Can’t you just use spawnPos because that’s already in world position (offset from center of world)?

its a variable

i have spawnPos as a variable

i was trying to making a rocket launcher and had trouble making the rocket come out

Just out of curiosity, is “Position” the name of an Attachment?

SpawnPos is a Vector3, WorldPosition isn’t a valid property of Vector3s.

Try setting Origin to handle.Position and see if that works.

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