Having a weird issue with custom checkboxes

I’m currently making a custom checkbox class using OOP. However, I’m encountering a weird issue that I’m unable to fix. When there is only 1 checkbox, it works completely fine. However, if there is more than 1 checkbox, all of the MouseButton1Click function will always be registered to the latest checkbox created.

Here’s the clip about the issue. https://streamable.com/164v3

The entire module:

CheckBoxClass = {
	Checked = false,
	CheckImageId = 168702841,
	Adornee = nil,
	CheckImage = nil,
	Toggle = function(self) -- Reminder to myself: THIS IS A DAMN METHOD NOT A FUNCTION
		self.Checked = not self.Checked -- ez toggling lol
		if self.CheckImage and self.CheckImage:IsA("ImageLabel") then
			self.CheckImage.Visible = self.Checked
CheckBoxClass.__index = CheckBoxClass

function MakeNewCheckbox(ParentTo, ConfigTable)
	local newCheckBox = CheckBoxClass
	if not ParentTo then ParentTo = workspace end -- Default ParentTo value
	if not ConfigTable then ConfigTable = {} end -- Default ConfigTable values
	if not ConfigTable.CheckColor3 then ConfigTable.CheckColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) end -- Default CheckColor3 value
	if not ConfigTable.UDIM2Size then ConfigTable.UDIM2Size = UDim2.new(0, 50, 0, 50) end -- Default UDIM2Size value
	if not ConfigTable.BorderThickness then ConfigTable.BorderThickness = 2 end -- Default BorderThickness value
	if not ConfigTable.CheckboxBackgroundColor3 then ConfigTable.CheckboxBackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) end -- Default CheckboxBackgroundColor3 value
	if not ConfigTable.UDIM2Position then ConfigTable.UDIM2Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) end
	local newAdornee = Instance.new("TextButton")
	newAdornee.Name = "EasyCheckbox"
	newAdornee.Size = ConfigTable.UDIM2Size
	newAdornee.BorderSizePixel = ConfigTable.BorderThickness
	newAdornee.Text = ""
	newAdornee.AutoButtonColor = false
	newAdornee.BackgroundColor3 = ConfigTable.CheckboxBackgroundColor3
	newAdornee.Position = ConfigTable.UDIM2Position
	newAdornee.Visible = true
	local newCheckImage = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
	newCheckImage.Name = "CheckImage"
	newCheckImage.Image = "rbxassetid://" ..newCheckBox.CheckImageId
	newCheckImage.ImageColor3 = ConfigTable.CheckColor3
	newCheckImage.Size = newAdornee.Size
	newCheckImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1
	newCheckImage.Visible = false
	newCheckImage.Parent = newAdornee
	newCheckBox.Adornee = newAdornee
	newCheckBox.CheckImage = newCheckImage
	newAdornee.Parent = ParentTo
	return newCheckBox

function CheckBoxClass.new(ParentTo, ConfigTable)
	local newCheckBox = MakeNewCheckbox(ParentTo, ConfigTable)
	setmetatable(newCheckBox, CheckBoxClass)
	return newCheckBox

function CheckBoxClass.newList(ParentTo, ConfigTable, ListConfigTable)
	local CheckboxList = {}
	if not ListConfigTable.AmountOfCheckbox then ListConfigTable.AmountOfCheckbox = 3 end
	if not ListConfigTable.MultipleChoice then ListConfigTable.MultipleChoice = false end
	if not ListConfigTable.OffsetBetweenCheckbox then ListConfigTable.OffsetBetweenCheckbox = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 25) end
	if not ConfigTable.UDIM2Position then ConfigTable.UDIM2Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) end
	for i = 1, ListConfigTable.AmountOfCheckbox do
		local newCheckbox = MakeNewCheckbox(ParentTo, ConfigTable)
		setmetatable(newCheckbox, CheckBoxClass)
		CheckboxList[#CheckboxList + 1] = {newCheckbox, newCheckbox.Adornee.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() newCheckbox:Toggle() end)}
		ConfigTable.UDIM2Position = ConfigTable.UDIM2Position + ListConfigTable.OffsetBetweenCheckbox
	return CheckboxList

return CheckBoxClass

If you have any clue about what went wrong, please reply to this thread.


I’m pretty sure that what is happening is you are referencing the original table, and setting its metatable to itself each time you make a new CheckBoxClass. There is a simple fix to this, and that is just creating a new table each time you call MakeNewCheckbox:

function MakeNewCheckBox(ParentTo, ConfigTable)
    local newCheckBox = {}

Everything else can stay the same I believe.


Thank you! You’re a damn life saver! Everything works perfectly now! A million thanks!