Having Insane Difficulty Wiping ProfileService Data

I am using ProfileService for a new game I am working on. Today, we did our first play test, but we gave everyone a ton of in-game currency to test some things, and, obviously, we need to reset their stuff.

I have spent the last hour or so trying to figure out how to do this. Nothing has worked.
FYI, I am attempting to do this within studio, not in any test/live server.

For reference, this is what the saved data looks like:

local dataTemplate = {
	Coins = 0,
	Kills = 0,
	Deaths = 0,
	Captures = 0,
	Wins = 0,
	gamesPlayed = 0,
	lastPlayed = 0,
	guns = {
		["M1911"] = true,
		["M4A1"] = true,
		["SVD"] = true,

I tried running this code in the command prompt:

local dataTemplate = {
	Coins = 0,
	Kills = 0,
	Deaths = 0,
	Captures = 0,
	Wins = 0,
	gamesPlayed = 0,
	lastPlayed = 0,
	guns = {
		["M1911"] = true,
		["M4A1"] = true,
		["SVD"] = true,
local ps = require(game.ServerScriptService.profileService.ProfileService); 
local ProfileStore = ps.GetProfileStore("PlayerProfile", dataTemplate);

I got no error message from that, but it didn’t actually wipe anything.

Next, I tried creating some code in the PlayerDataHandler script, seen below.

Running this in the command:

local handler = require(game.ServerScriptService.profileService.PlayerDataHandler); 

got me this error:

I have no idea why it thinks the ID number I put in is nil…

The last thing I tried before giving up, was using this plugin. The plugin said success:

But when I went to test it in-game, I still had everything.

Frankly, I am at my wits end trying to wipe data. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong/how to fix this???

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what am i doing wrong here? i have tried almost everything

It is because here you are using a . Instead of a : . You are instead passing the id as the self variable.

: P I’ve made a few similar mistakes like this and posted them to forums too.



Ah, that makes perfect sense then. Welp, the issue has been fixed, thank you very much. However, this doesn’t explain why the other methods I tried did not work whatsoever.

If you want to pm me some of your other methods, I’d happily take a look.

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