Having issues with Blender?

I have made this Topic to talk about some issues with blender!
Blender is pretty complicated and the community is here to help!


How to build a curved road with Blender?

This road seems preety bad can someone help me?


Have you tried rotating the vertices? I believe that you could do it by pressing the R key or Rotate option on the bottom of the screen.

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When you make a plane like that, subdivide it a bit like you did on the picture, select the other half of the plane ( select all vertices on that half ), click “R” and type a number ( 90 or -90 ) to rotate it by 90 degrees and after that click “Enter”.

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First add a plane:

Increase its length:

Now select edge selection:

Now select the edge of the plane:

Press “E” to extrude it in upward direction:

Now select middle edge:

Press Ctrl+B for bevel and use your scroll wheel to increase the number of edges

Now you got a curved plane :slight_smile: :

Edit(I don’t know what type of curved road do you want)but take a look at this for left or right turn road:

Rotate the curved plane 90 degrees on y axis and extrude the faces and move the verts as you like


Thank you for the help I will work on that


Guys when I uploaded a mesh of a pillar I made with Blender Some meshes will not load does someone know hoew to fix that?

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You have to select the mesh in edit mode and press Ctrl + n. You can also press the space bar and look for flip normals. All faces will look brighter and the problem should be solved when exporting your mesh to Roblox.


Oh, ok I will try that with blender thanks for the help!

Dont rely on CTRL B always as it will not let you make some more loop cuts in the future, it is usually used just to bevel some edges, i would do the curve manually.

Yes I know it can make some wierd shapes

Best way I think is, go to edit mode. Press “O” then select all verts on one side. Then move up or whichever direction you want. It makes the smoothest possible curves in my opinion.

Hey @JulezPlays_TY,
I recommend looking at Bezier Curves on blender and how you can create roads with it, it will produce better, consistent curve geometry. What you currently have is very blocky - unless you’re going for that style oops

There’s tons of tutorials out there - for example this one:

If you don’t understand how bezier curves work, there’s a simple game that shows you how it’s used in some graphical programs:

Hope it helps.

Also don’t forget to reset rotation and position scale by pressing Ctrl + a and also press N when u export and enable backface culling under the shading section

I would recommend doing it first with a line and then use e to make the road

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Use the blender solidify tool.That helped me.

Uh making this thread seems like a nice thought, but whats the point? It’s just a one thread limited version of BlenderArtists forum.