Having issues with DataStore2

So, i don’t know why this happens but seems like it breaks somehow whenever an Data Value from a player changes, for example:

When a player touch the “Winner” Part, the part apply values to his stats and then this appears on the output:

(This error may have something to do with Exp and MaxExp data values? since before they where updating normally when Exp > MaxExp but now they don’t and Exp value just keep growing without a limit based on MaxExp)


I don’t know what is wrong since i was using the same exact DataStore script before and it was working perfectly fine.

In any case, this is the datastore script i am using right now:

local DataStore2 = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService").DataStore2) -- Require the DataStore Module using the name
local MainKey = "Key1"

DataStore2.Combine(MainKey, "Stats")

local function CreateDataTable()
	local PlayerData = {
		Stats = {
        ["Gold"] = 0;
		["Silver"] = 0;
		["Bronze"] = 0;
		["Rushies"] = 0;
		["Level"] = 1;
		["Exp"] = 0;
		["MaxExp"] = 100;
return PlayerData

game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) -- WHEN PLAYER JOINS --
	local PlayerData = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(CreateDataTable()) -- GetPlayersDataTable
	local Folder = Instance.new("Folder") -- CURRENT STATS --
	Folder.Name = "PlayerStats"
	local Gold = Instance.new("IntValue")
	Gold.Name = "Gold"
	local Silver = Instance.new("IntValue")
	Silver.Name = "Silver"
	local Bronze = Instance.new("IntValue")
	Bronze.Name = "Bronze"
	local Rushies = Instance.new("IntValue")
	Rushies.Name = "Rushies"
	local Level = Instance.new("IntValue")
	Level.Name = "Level"
	local Exp = Instance.new("IntValue")
	Exp.Name = "Exp"
	local MaxExp = Instance.new("IntValue")
	MaxExp.Name = "MaxExp"
	local Leaderboard = Instance.new("Folder") -- LEADERSTATS STUFF --
	Leaderboard.Name = "leaderstats"
	local LeaderboardWins = Instance.new("IntValue")
	LeaderboardWins.Name = "Wins"
	LeaderboardWins.Value = Gold.Value
	local LeaderboardLv = Instance.new("IntValue")
	LeaderboardLv.Name = "Lv"
	LeaderboardLv.Value = Level.Value

	local StatsData = DataStore2("Stats", plr)
	local function UpdateAllStats(UpdatedStats)
	Gold.Value = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(UpdatedStats)["Stats"]["Gold"] -- Sets value you've made to correspond with data table
	Silver.Value = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(UpdatedStats)["Stats"]["Silver"]
	Bronze.Value = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(UpdatedStats)["Stats"]["Bronze"]
	Rushies.Value = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(UpdatedStats)["Stats"]["Rushies"]
	Level.Value = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(UpdatedStats)["Stats"]["Level"]
	Exp.Value = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(UpdatedStats)["Stats"]["Exp"]
	MaxExp.Value = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(UpdatedStats)["Stats"]["MaxExp"]
	LeaderboardWins.Value = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(UpdatedStats)["Stats"]["Gold"]
	LeaderboardLv.Value = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(UpdatedStats)["Stats"]["Level"]
	UpdateAllStats(PlayerData.Stats) -- Calls the function and updates player data to appropriate values
    DataStore2(MainKey, plr):OnUpdate(UpdateAllStats) -- Calls when updated

    Folder.Parent = plr
    Gold.Parent = Folder
    Silver.Parent = Folder
    Bronze.Parent = Folder 
    Rushies.Parent = Folder
    Level.Parent = Folder
	Exp.Parent = Folder
	MaxExp.Parent = Folder
	Leaderboard.Parent = plr 
	LeaderboardWins.Parent = Leaderboard
	LeaderboardLv.Parent = Leaderboard
	local function UpdateLeaderstats()
		LeaderboardWins.Value = Gold.Value
		LeaderboardLv.Value = Level.Value

		local plrStats = DataStore2("Stats", plr):GetTable(CreateDataTable())
		if plr.PlayerStats.Exp.Value >= plr.PlayerStats.MaxExp.value then
		plrStats.Level = plrStats.Level + 1
		plrStats.Exp = 0
		plrStats.MaxExp = plrStats.MaxExp + 50
	    DataStore2("Stats", plr):Set(plrStats)

Yes i have tested it on roblox studio AND on a published place, and i have no clue why this suddenly started appearing

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Error aside, which might just be your own doing, you… you’re really going to want to clean that script up. For example, actually using variables on things you use commonly instead of repeating the same thing frequently. Your UpdateAllStats function is a headache to look at.

local function UpdateAllStats(UpdatedStats)
    local StatsTable = DataStore2(MainKey, plr):GetTable(UpdatedStats)["Stats"]

    Gold.Value = StatsTable.Gold
    -- And so on

On the topic of the error though, you may have made a change you’re unaware of that’s causing the issue to occur - things don’t magically break in one circumstance if they were working in another, one or the other were problematic. Did you ever update the DataStore2 module being used in the game, or are there any specific points where your code throws in the stack?


My DataStore2 module is the most recent if that’s what you are asking, and i never messed with him in any way, only with my own DataStore script. And as the points thing, i really don’t know i’ll give it a better look when i wake up and update you if i can’t solve it