Having issues with HTTP Service

I’m having issues with HTTP Service and I don’t know what the problem is. I’m new to using this API and I used this post as reference. The error I’m getting is HTTP 404 (Not Found).

my code:

local http = game:GetService("HttpService")

local link = "https://games.roproxy.com/v1/badges/2149041932"
local data = http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync(link))


If anyone can explain how I can properly use this, please do.

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Well I would assume its because the site you are accessing just doesn’t exist anymore.

Accessing the roproxy site myself (the exact link you sent) does come up with a result,
however google blocks the site, which I bypassed anyway, however my ISP also blocks the page.

My suggestion is just to find a different proxy, or just use BadgeService:GetBadgeInfoAsync instead.

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It turns out, I was using the wrong proxy. I was supposed to use “badges.roproxy.com”.

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