Having Performance issues with ragdolls and i Don't know how to fix it

  1. What do you want to achieve? to Fix ragdolls that causes the Performance to get destroyed when Close

  2. What is the issue? When the characters die the Ragdoll would start to lag the player when there Close, this gets worst when theres mutiple NPCs

  3. What solutions have you thought of so far? I Tried fixing the script and change some stuff in workspace, However it remained the same

If someone could assist me, I would be grateful.


Good thing you made. The performance issue is due to network ownership.
Network ownership is where the server turns physics calculations over to a client to ease the burden of calculating physics. To prevent this just use SetNetworkOwner(nil) this will set the ownership of the rag doll to the server and make sure no lag happens on the client.

More on Network Ownership:

hmm ill try testing it, ill let ye know if it worked or not