I’m trying to make a bunker door-vault thing for my game, but came across a problem.
I connected a cylinder to the door using HingeConstraints, but it doesn’t work…
I’ve tried:
Messing with the AngularResponsiveness, AngularSpeed, ServoMaxTorque (It’s a servo if you couldn’t already tell) and TargetAngle, making it negative and positive. I also tried ‘turning it on and off again’ (Disabling and then Enabling) it, but that didn’t work either.
Is the HingeConstraint | Roblox Creator Documentation aligned properly? If it’s at the RH side of that door then the yellow cylinder showing the Hinge should be aligned with the door edge. As it is it’s going to try to tilt the door sideways.
In the Model tab in Studio click the Show Constraints button, it’ll show how the hinge is aligned (like a real life hinge, the round part is the pivoting section), as well as the alignment of the Attachments, and the angles that the LimitsEnabled are set to.
Also make sure that none of the door Parts are Anchored.
I made this door as an example of how to use a script to open and close a door. If you tilt the whole thing sideways, making sure the HingeConstraint Attachments are still aligned, it should work the same as your bunker door.
<Door using HingeConstraints and script - Roblox