Having problems with meshes

Ok so, I’m trying to make a hull for a ship (I’m a bit noob don’t judge), but when I import the .obj into roblox this happens (only on an half of the hull)

I haven’t tried anything yet, please help me

To insert meshes in your game you need to click “View” then click on “Game Explorer” then import your fdx file or whatever it is. Have you done that?

You can also learn how to make a boat.here.

@vikenmanoukian21 they know how to upload meshes - the picture shows that they have a mesh in Studio already. Also the link that brings us to make a boat is all made in Studio out of Parts.

@Rocky_Balboa336 for anything 3D modelling, we always need more than one picture. A picture in the 3D modelling software you’re using, as well as a wireframe picture, will give us more info and allow us to help you more accurately. Edit your first post to include these, please :slight_smile:


If you are using blender, you might be using the mirror modifier and it might need to be applied before exporting.

Ok, but the other half is fine. Look:
Not buggy

Could we please have more photos so we know what we are looking at?

If you use blenders mirror mode that might help, I am not sure but that’s how I make my meshes.

I’d suggest trying to make a ship in studio first, check out this, it’s quick, easy and simple:

It looks realistic too. :+1:

@Elis_Dev Please don’t recommend a tutorial that makes the dev use Parts when they’re using 3D modelling. I said this exact thing above when someone suggested it earlier.

@Rocky_Balboa336 I’m asking again for more pictures, both in Studio (get a top-down shot since you’ve shown us both sides of a mirrored model), as well as shots from Blender, both the solid view and the wireframe. I think I know the issue, but I need more info to confirm it.

Again, edit your first post to contain these.

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PS: Now both sides are the same thing, and in blender there are the same lighting problems

Thats the thing we need a screenshot in blender as well. You can do that by going to Windows searchbar and typing “Snipping Tool”

Use the Snipping tool to take a screenshot of Blender. If you don’t know how to use it, look up a YT tutorial. There’s ones that shouldn’t be more than 3 or 5 minutes.