Having problems with showing a gui when near a player

This is kinda hard to explain, but i’ll do my best.
So what i’m trying to do is, when you go near a downed player, a revive gui is supposed to pop up on your screen, and it does work as intended when there is only 2 players in the server.

But when there is more than 2 players, it doesn’t work as intended

Whenever i try to go near a downed player, sometimes it doesnt even show the gui, and it spams “PlayerName is close” in the console, and whenever i tried to revive him, i revive someone else instead

I would like some help, or just a better way to do this, thanks. - thunderdos31

Here is the LocalScript in StarterCharacterScripts (but it is shortened, lmk if you need more info):

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character
local myHuman = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local hrp = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local INTERVAL = 0.5
local nextStep = tick() + INTERVAL
local revivePrompt = player.PlayerGui.Prompts:WaitForChild("RevivePrompt") -- RevivePrompt is a frame

local canRevive = false


	if (tick() >= nextStep) then

		for i, otherPlayer in pairs (game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
			if not otherPlayer then return end

			if otherPlayer ~= player then
				local otherChar = otherPlayer.Character

				if not otherChar then return end

				local otherHumanoid = otherChar:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
				if not otherHumanoid then return end

				local otherRoot = otherChar:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
				if not otherRoot then return end

				local downed = otherChar:FindFirstChild("Downed") -- Downed is a BoolValue inside thecharacter

				if downed then
					if downed.Value == true then
						local distance = player:DistanceFromCharacter(otherRoot.Position)
						if distance < 9 then -- if the downed player is near you, show the gui
							local reviving = otherChar:FindFirstChild("Reviving")
							local Pinned = otherChar:FindFirstChild("Pinned")
							local Stunned = otherChar:FindFirstChild("IsStunned")
							local RagdollTrigger = otherChar:FindFirstChild("RagdollTrigger")

							canRevive = true
							revivePrompt.Visible = true
							revivePrompt.PlayerName.Text = "Revive "..otherPlayer.Name
							print(otherPlayer.Name .. " is close")

						else -- if the player is too far, then hide the gui
							canRevive = false
							revivePrompt.Visible = false




This sounds like it would be something wrong with the GUI button script but I’m not 100% sure.

As for this however, the

Is making it so if you find a downed player, its visible, but then it still runs a check if another player is downed and near. If they’re downed but not near, it closes the GUI.

nvm i fixed it, i just made it so the downed player themselves shows the gui to other near players, not when you go near a downed player, if that even makes any sense lol

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