Having some trouble with bubble chat

I looked around to see if I could figure out what this issue is all about and how to solve it to no avail. So here’s my problem:
When I chat the bubble from my character appears, however when I move the bubble will go super high up in the air and nobody can read my chat, not even me.

So why’d I post here? Because I think this may be a scripting issue involving welds. If so, is there any way I can fix it?

Roblox (gyazo.com)

We had a similar issue, its because objects have big hitboxes in your character so when u move your hitbox changes.

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So how do you fix that? I have this issue also, but what is strange, with the same scripts in two different games, I get working bubble chat in one game, and bubbles floating 50 studs above the head in the other.

FYI, its just the new bubble chat with this issue. old bubble chat works fine on both places.

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Ikr I really wanna fix this issue, because it’s pretty annoying to deal with. Especially since it’s a common thing in my game for players to have swords so yeah.

As mentioned its a hitbox issue, try welding the parts but parenting it to another object, the issue is that your roblox model itself is changing and roblox bubbles seem to calculate off of that, it was annoying as heck for similar work too.


Yep, that was it, I had a distant object parented to the character by mistake, I moved that client generated part to workspace and now the bubblechat works as expected. Thanks!


Know this issue is already solved, but if anyone else has this issue, an easy fix I used was to use the TextChatService and put an attachment under the player’s humanoidrootpart and make the humanoidrootpart the Adornee.