I am trying to fix the boots position properly like it is on this dummy:
The current script welds the boot (only 1 boot at the moment for testing purposes) to the player when the character touches it, but whenever i touch it, it welds the boot in a strange way, even if i don’t change the CFrame stuff, it will weld slightly different from the last time if i touch it.
You see what i mean? 2 different positions even thou i didn’t change anything at the CFrame positioning, and even if i only change the Y axis, it will randomly move the Z or X axis
Here is the script i am currently using:
local Boots = script.Parent.RightAttach
local character = plr.Parent
local h = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if (h ~= nil) then
script.Parent.Anchored = false
local Rleg = character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg")
Boots.CFrame = Rleg.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,1.15,0)
local weld = Instance.new("Weld")
weld.Part0 = Rleg
weld.Part1 = script.Parent
weld.C0 = Rleg.CFrame
weld.C1 = Boots.CFrame
weld.Parent = script.Parent.RightAttach