I’m pretty sure if you’re using an image for the green you can turn on tile and it should cut it evenly! But if you want the circle on the end then I’m not sure how you’d stretch it without stretching the left.
So basically I have the custom border and import it. Then under/inside it I put a grey frame to act as the background and a green frame to act as health. Then I go back to the healthbar border and turn on clip descendants right?
I Recommend using a CanvasGroup, it is better with ClipDescendants than with other Frames.
You can Apply Gradients and Corners to it, and it would apply correctly.
Inside the Canvas place a UIGradient and change the transparency of the very end to have a clean cut, and change the Rotation of the UIGradient to 135 to create the left angled side. Place a UICorner into the Canvas too for the right side
Place a frame (the health) inside the canvas, and put inside a UICorner to create the semiCircle right side.
The Canvas with the health should be on top of your background bar image
Yeah this is my ui Artist, tommy. Basically the whole ui border is custom made and imported, is that maybe the reason it’s not working? I don’t know much about ui design.
You can perfectly use the custom image/background your artist designed, the Health (green one) is the one that should be a frame.
Ohh got it, @snowparem is your team mate, oh ok. Well, I supplied more details, but its not really much what is required to achieve it to look like that.
Could @snowparem start a new topic showing the current results, properties and behaviour? So we can give it a check?