Having Trouble With GetChildren() Arrays

So I’m attempting to make an array for some ImageButtons.

They’re all ordered in numerical order, as they should be. Here’s the code (only the first two buttons are scripted):

local HairColorButtonArray = workspace.SettlerLobby.ScriptedObjects.MasterCCDisplay.MainDisplay.GuiMasterParent.HairSelectionMainframe.HairColors:GetChildren()
local ClickSound = workspace.SettlerLobby.ScriptedObjects.MasterCCDisplay.MainDisplay.Click

    print("Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs.")

    print("Yippee ki yay motherflipper.")

I’m not getting any error messages as to why it’s not working, and they don’t seem to be printing the Die Hard quotes that I put in. Does my script just hate the movie Die Hard? Does anyone know how to fix this code?

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Instead of going through each button one by one, you can use a for loop, to go through all the children of the Folder, which I assume is all ImageButtons, then use a MouseButton1Click event on all collected children.

local HairColorButtonArray = workspace.SettlerLobby.ScriptedObjects.MasterCCDisplay.MainDisplay.GuiMasterParent.HairSelectionMainframe.HairColors:GetChildren()
local ClickSound = workspace.SettlerLobby.ScriptedObjects.MasterCCDisplay.MainDisplay.Click

for i , v in pairs(HairColorButtonArray) do
	if v:IsA("ImageButton") then
			print(v.Name .. " has been click.") -- Debug

That does sound like a good idea, but I need to distinguish which button is being clicked. Each button fires a different server event. How would I distinguish the buttons?

As in the script, when you print v.Name it will print the Button that you click, so I would suggest to have one remote for all the hair, then send what Button was clicked through the arguments inside of the fired data. I also don’t recommend you use a Remote-event for each hair as it’s not secure and is over-complicated.

So you’re saying I should use one RemoteEvent for all the hair colors and use that as a filter of sorts to transmit the button data? I’m not quite sure how to do that, would I do

if v.Name = "01HairColor" then

Even so, one event wouldn’t be able to transmit which button is being clicked, it’d just fire a universal server event.

Based off of what is displayed, are you trying to change the color of a characters hair every time they click the button?



This is why you can send information through RemoteEvents as the argument. So it would be something like this.

if v.Name = "01HairColor" then

To detect the firing would I write

    print("Yeetus Defeatus 1")

    print("Yeetus Defeatus 2")

No, you’d write something like this.

HCServerEvent.OnServer:Connect(function(player, hair)
    if hair == "01HairColor" then
    -- do stuff
    elseif hair == "02HairColor" then
    --  do stuff

What is “hair” in (player, hair)?

It’s the parameter.

When you do :FireServer on RemoteEvent, it’ll automatically send the player itself as argument 1, and an extra information for argument 2. Please have a read for more understanding.

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You’ve done it, you magical man.

Thank you very much, it works like a charm. So for the future, just so I understand,


-This fires the event,

OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, RandomThing2)

RandomThing corresponds with RandomThing2?

Yep, you’re on the right track. Keep it up!

I see. Well, first let’s address this:

That would be redundant. This could all be done rather easily with only one Remote Event. If all your Image Buttons are to only change a character’s hair color, you could add a string value of the color you want it to be.

So instead of having to type an if statement for every single Image Button, you could easily just type:

for c, child in pairs(workspace.SettlerLobby.ScriptedObjects.MasterCCDisplay.MainDisplay.GuiMasterParent.HairSelectionMainframe.HairColors:GetChildren()) do
    child.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- This will always work provided you have a color name for every Image Button

On the Remote Function script (or wherever it is), you could do something like this:

local hairColors = {
    White = Color3.new(1, 1, 1),
    Black = Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
    --- etc.

workspace.Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, color) --- With color being the color that the player sent to the server.
    if table[color] then -- Instead of having all of those if statements, this would be your only one.
        Player.Hair.Color = table[color]