Having Trouble with IK in Animation Editor

Hello everyone,

I’m having trouble with the IK system in Roblox Studio Animation Editor. When I create an animation using IK, first of all, it looks fine, but it seems to be disconnected after i change the move direction axis.
It looks like an IK bug to me, but I’m not sure.

Here’s a video:

Has anyone else experienced this issue, or does anyone have any suggestions for how to fix it?

Here are some details about my setup:

  • I’m using Roblox Studio version 0.564.1.5640444 (64bit).
  • I’m using a R15 character.
  • I’m using the IK tool in the roblox studio’s animation editor.

I would appreciate any help or advice that anyone can offer. Thanks in advance!


I have the same issue, only way to fix it for me is to completely restart the editor.

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But even if it works again, it is unusable.

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I didn’t say it would be usable :joy:
Been broken for about ~3 months

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I also have the same issue. I’ve been trying to fix this for over 2 hours now. Maybe I’ll just go back to using blender


Is there seriously no bug report about this?

IK in the animation editor has been completely broken for the whole year for me and no one has bothered to fix this??

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Sadly no one has submitted a bug report for over a year now, and a lot of us can’t submit one either :frowning:
There’s still several issues with the animation editor that’s gone unaddressed, but this is the worst.

All we can do is wait and continue tediously animating with these issues, even if it’s severly affected my workflow and animation quality.