HD Admin isn't working

I inserted HD Admin, but when I join the game nothing happens it puts warning in the output :


I only have the default Collision group, and I tried putting it in serverscriptservice and I know its official its created by forever hd account but for some reason it won’t work. I am the owner of the game so it should give me admin but instead does nothing. I need help with this problem

I never used any admin thing before, I prefer to build my own consoles. So idk if you are not setting the system correctly, but, meanwhile why not going to the script Loader at line 12, and change the deprecated CreateCollisionGroup into RegisterCollisionGroup.

Probably by doing that, the Loader wont stop, and continue with the tasks and finally giving you the console

its a require so i can’t edit the code in it ( i think, i dont know much about it )

I believe HD admin uses a module.
The module’s rather large if I remember so if you try to insert your own modified HD admin module, good luck.

Also the module isn’t inside HD admin, it uses Require(ID).

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Mmhh… maybe fork it, insert that asset ID into workspace manually, check that module, edit it, and change the line that is requiring it.
Mmmh, I never used that admin stuff, sorry I cant help you further.

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Okay but how do i insert a module into the workspace

I think they included the module link in the model description.

Hop onto roblox, find HD admin in library/developer contents (Or whatever it’s called now), and click the provided link if there is one.

Also beware of studio crashing or freezing due to the high amount of content in it.

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i inserted The module but there’s like over 40 scripts and i don’t know which one is causing the error so i think i’ll just have to insert a different admin

You could Control + Shift + F to find what script has this line: CreateCollisionGroup

Yup, would be better idea to use a different admin thing. Its kinda weird that HD admin is outdated and actually broken, I thought it was a famous tool, I supposed its receiving constant updates, but idk

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Yeah, my old game used HD. I revisited 2 years later, HD is brokennn.

Weird thing is, my friend’s HD is still functional.


It means HD admin is outdatted your just using wrong version.

I’ve made an admin system before, and I’ve needed to add many compatibility layers when I need to update the settings module. HD Admin probably doesn’t keep very outdated loaders functioning. Try reinserting the admin system from the official loader.

  • Open the loader script,
  • Get the Main Module on line 7 or HD Admin V2 MainModule - Roblox
  • Insert the module to the loader
  • Set the require(3239236979) to require(script.MainModule)
  • Open the MainModule > Client > SharedModules > MainFramework > MainVariables to line 101
  • And set it to this:
pcall(function() main.physicsService:RegisterCollisionGroup("Group"..i) end)

it worked, but for some reason i play test it makes me non admin when I am owner. Do you know a fix for it?

eidt: i had to go in the setting and add my user manually but other than that it works fine

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That should be a bookmarked solution! even in the HD admin documentation :+1:

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