HD Admin Lead Notes


  1. Maintenance (bug fixes, improving core-code if needed), feedback on areas I can improve and insightful comments/suggestions into future features
  2. Recruiting interns, reviewing and publishing commands from packs submitted to Trello, and releasing a consistent flow of commands every month
  3. Making commands yourself if you have a quiet week with not much to do

If you make a significant change to the core framework of HD Admin, please also record the changes on the HD Admin GitHub.

Command packs

Reviewing Code

Things to check for when reviewing code by other members:

  • Malicious code
  • Inefficient code
  • Code is written within the scope of the command
  • Clear documentation
  • If used assets, does the asset contain any virus/infect scripts
  • Using core functions
  • Practises mentioned under ‘Sammary’ here
  • Have the command details (description, prefixes, aliases, etc) been filled out correctly and fully?

If a minor offence, then adapt the code and point out the areas of improvement. Malicious code will obviously result in a rejection of the pack and termination of their membership.

Publishing code

The MainModule development and publishing place can be found here.

When adding command segments to the ‘Commands’ module, maintain the code structure (e.g. lines and spaces to divide code) and place the commands under the sections which correspond to their rank. This keeps the module organised and easy to read.

Before publishing, run a quick test and ensure the command works and appears on the Commands page.

Finally, publish the code to the HD Admin MainModule.

If you adapted any core features, run further checks in games you don’t own in VIP/new servers.

IMPORTANT NOTE (08/06/2019):

Do not publish commands yet that will be sold as purchasable packs. Instead, leave the files in the ‘completed section’ of Trello and we’ll add them in once the feature is ready.

Feel free to publish ‘free commands’.

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