HD Admin Marketplace prompt virus?

I already said I checked all scripts (even deleted entire portions of my game) and all my plugins.

How does a game have a virus? Only scripts have viruses and contain them. But the plugins may have a virus.

Are you using the correct model then?

Plugins can add CORE GUI VIRUS SCRIPTS :warning:

Edit: If you delete them you still have to check the entirety of Core Gui.

Because that portion of the game had a lot of scripts in them, instead of having to check 500+ scripts i could delete all of them to see if that block of scripts had the virus.

Yes, I am aware, I did say that may be the case.

Yes I am using the correct model.

Man… the script search would’ve searched every SINGLE script >_<
No need to delete.
It’s a virus that prompts a product.
It’s OBVIOUSLY marketplace.

Open up a base load up the model and see if it calls a virus module.

It seems to me this is only happening to you and not me.

Well whats done is done, and the only model that made the virus disappear was HD admin. I script searched all require instances, and the only one that fixed the issue was deleting HD admin in its entirety.

Please check Core Gui it should look like this. Image from Gyazo

Well that’s weird since Its never happened to me and I got it from the official model, people can be cruel but I don’t see why a person who has won an official bloxy would implement a virus in one of the top selling models.

Yeah I know I was just wondering if anyone had an experience like this so they could help me.

I’m just seeing what could be the causes

Yes in my old game with free models I had this exact issue and I was able to remove it just by looking at the scripts. (I didn’t know of view at the time)

I dont want to be annoying but how do i see core gui on the explorer?

Image from Gyazo

Also he said its a model not a plugin. So there is no need for this. Models cannot access the CoreGui if I’m correct. Plus we need screengui when we are in game. And it’s a prompt from CGui. So we can only see this occur in game from the children changing

My English is bad in this post, ignore what I said if you cannot understand it.

I was just saying to check it because some viruses may be in there and only trigger when there’s certain code. (like replacing real require scripts with fake ones)