HD Admin randomly breaks in game? Please help

When you add the HDAdmin module to your game, when the server starts, it should create a number of folders and scripts under ReplicatedStorage for it to function:

HDAdmin (folder)
HDAdminClient (folder)
HDAdminSetup (modulescript)

It is this last one that your instance is complaining about. As these folders and the script are generated automatically by the model, there may be a conflict elsewhere.

Check the requirements on ForeverHD’s main page for the module:

Try creating a blank baseplate and add the HDAdmin model. Does the issue still occur?

i just realised that my hd admin was missing a certain module, i went into an empty baseplate (which hd admin worked in) copied the HDAdminSetup module from repstore, and pasted it into my ACTUAL game’s repstore, but it didnt work.

also, whenever i play my actual game, this pops up in the output:
it takes me to line 92 of:

local module = {}

local main = _G.HDAdminMain

function module:SetupMainVariables(location)
main.hdAdminGroup = {
Id = 4676369;
Info = {};
main.hdAdminGroupInfo = {}

main.settingsBanRecords = {}
main.alphabet = {“a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “f”, “g”, “h”, “i”, “j”, “k”, “l”, “m”, “n”, “o”, “p”, “q”, “r”, “s”, “t”, “u”, “v”, “w”, “x”, “y”, “z”}
main.UserIdsFromName = {}
main.UsernamesFromUserId = {}
main.validSettings = {“Theme”, “NoticeSoundId”, “NoticeVolume”, “NoticePitch”, “ErrorSoundId”, “ErrorVolume”, “ErrorPitch”, “AlertSoundId”, “AlertVolume”, “AlertPitch”, “Prefix”}
main.commandInfoToShowOnClient = {“Name”, “Contributors”, “Prefixes”, “Rank”, “Aliases”, “Tags”, “Description”, “Args”, “Loopable”}
main.products = {
Donor = 5745895;
OldDonor = 2649766;
main.materials = {“Plastic”, “Wood”, “Concrete”, “CorrodedMetal”, “DiamondPlate”, “Foil”, “Grass”, “Ice”, “Marble”, “Granite”, “Brick”, “Pebble”, “Sand”, “Fabric”, “SmoothPlastic”, “Metal”, “WoodPlanks”, “Cobblestone”, “Neon”, “Glass”,}
main.rankTypes = {
[“Auto”] = 4;
[“Perm”] = 3;
[“Server”] = 2;
[“Temp”] = 1;

if location == “Server” then

  main.pd = {}
  main.sd = {}
  main.permissions = {
  	specificUsers = {};
  	gamepasses = {};
  	assets = {};
  	groups = {};
  	friends = 0;
  	freeAdmin = 0;
  	vipServerOwner = 0;
  	vipServerPlayer = 0;
  	owner = true
  main.commandInfo = {}
  main.commandRanks = {}
  main.infoOnAllCommands = {
  	Contributors = {};	--table
  	Tags = {};			--table
  	Prefixes = {};		--dictionary
  	Aliases = {};		--dictionary

  main.morphNames = {}
  main.toolNames = {}
  main.commands = {}
  main.playersRanked = {}
  main.playersUnranked = {}
  main.settings.UniversalPrefix = "!";
  main.serverAdmins = {}
  main.owner = {}
  main.ownerId = game.CreatorId
  if game.CreatorType == Enum.CreatorType.Group then
  	local ownerInfo = main.groupService:GetGroupInfoAsync(game.CreatorId).Owner
  	main.ownerId = ownerInfo.Id
  	main.ownerName = ownerInfo.Name
  main.gameName = (game.PlaceId > 0 and main.marketplaceService:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId, Enum.InfoType.Asset).Name) or "GameNameFailedToLoad"
  main.listOfTools = {}
  main.ranksAllowedToJoin = 0
  main.permissionToReplyToPrivateMessage = {}
  main.logs = {
  	command = {};
  	chat = {};
  main.isStudio = main.runService:IsStudio()
  main.serverBans = {}
  main.blacklistedVipServerCommands = {}
  main.banned = {}
  main.commandBlocks = {}
  for i = 1,3 do
  	"LINE 92" main.physicsService:CreateCollisionGroup("Group"..i)
  main.physicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable("Group1", "Group2", false)

elseif location == “Client” then

  main.qualifiers = {"me", "all", "others", "random", "admins", "nonAdmins", "friends", "nonFriends", "NBC", "BC", "TBC", "OBC", "R6", "R15", "rthro", "nonRthro"}
  main.colors = {}
  main.topbarEnabled = true
  main.blur = Instance.new("BlurEffect", main.camera)
  main.blur.Size = 0
  main.commandMenus = {}
  main.commandsToDisableCompletely = {laserEyes=true}
  main.commandsActive = {}
  main.commandsAllowedToUse = {}
  main.commandsWithMenus = {
  	["Type1"] = {
  		["laserEyes"] = {"Info", "Press and hold to activate."};
  		["fly"] = {"Input", "Speed"};
  		["fly2"] = {"Input", "Speed"};
  		["noclip"] = {"Input", "Speed"};
  		["noclip2"] = {"Input", "Speed"};
  	["Type2"] = {
  		["cmdbar2"] = {};
  	["Type3"] = {
  		["bubbleChat"] = {};
  main.commandSpeeds = {
  	fly = 50;
  	fly2 = 50;
  	noclip = 100;
  	noclip2 = 25;
  for commandName, defaultSpeed in pairs(main.commandSpeeds) do
  	local setting = main.settings.CommandLimits[commandName]
  	if setting then
  		local limit = setting.Limit
  		if defaultSpeed > limit then
  			 main.commandSpeeds[commandName] = limit
  main.infoFramesViewed = {
  	Speed = true;


table.sort(main.settings.Ranks, function(a,b) return a[1] < b[1] end)


return module

the Create collision group error only pops up in my actual game, and not in the empty baseplate