Hey Gang!
This is a set of HD materials created from scratch to replace or supplement Roblox stud/inlet/universal surfaces. Included are normal maps, and diffuse maps based on the AO.
I particularly like the aesthetic of the old studded surfaces. I made a whole game in the style, and plenty of others like Bombline or Eat The World use it to great effect.
Currently there’s some pretty significant limitations on their use. The only material that works with them is plastic, and in terms of close up resolution and customizability… well there’s plenty to be desired.
This is my attempt to create a pipeline to recreate the materials in HD. I’ve included 3 different variations (2x2 Plastic, 4x4 Plastic, and Smooth) of each of the stud types, but if you want more, or different materials you can try your hand at making your own using the resources available in the github.
As you can see it’s not an exact 1-1 copy of them, but it’s close enough that unless they’re side by side with the old ones it’s not noticeable.
You could also play around with the blender file I used to generate them and see if you can do better. I based the model on captures of the current stud so the proportions are close, but I modified them slightly to make them look crisper.
Let me know if you make anything cool with them! And feel free to reach out if you have any questions about how to use any of the resources in the github!