Head Accessory not Working for Both R6 and R15 (It only works for one or the other)

Here are two “hats” The HatAttachment was positioned for the R15 dummy and it works, but when attaching the same accessory to an R6 dummy, it’s position is offset and no longer looks right.

Question: Would a script be needed to detect between R6/R15 and then adjust placement of geo?

If so, how would someone go about making their hat accessory work for both R6 & R15 when it comes to UGC?

I don’t know a lot about Roblox avatars but can’t you just weld the hat to the head?

Don’t insert code into your hats, it’ll get you terminated from the UGC program, and probably terminated from Roblox as that’s considered exploiting at least in my book, it is.

Where are you attaching the hat to anyway??

Good idea @Crazedbrick1, however, I want the hat to work on all the dummies when you simply add/move the hat to your characters. Welding cannot achieve that without codes right?

:open_mouth: Thank you @infiniteRaymond. I was trying to fix them by using code. :nauseated_face:

I have added a “headattachment” under Accessory-Handle, so I am trying to attach the hat to all dummies’ heads.

It seems like I can either position for R6 or R15…but, not BOTH. The reason we want the position to work for both is we’d like to submit a UGC item and want to make sure both R6&R15 can wear the hat properly. If there’s another way for attaching hats we’d love to know.

I’m not a scripter so I wouldn’t know that. Sorry! D:

He’s not making this for UGC rather for personal use so its 100% fine to put code in it…

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Thanks for your help :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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It’s not good practice as he can’t do that if he is making models for UGC.

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Hello guys,

I found the problems, the dummy that I used to test the helmet doesn’t have the “HatAttachment” under the “head” part, so the helmet will not recognize the correct attach position.

Thanks to all of you who were trying to help!