The test server for my game (which is an identical copy of my game, but published to a different experience) does not have this issue at all. It’s happening to select experiences only for some reason
This issue first started in the evening of the 3rd of May
Just wondering if there are any updates on this bug?
If it is going to take a while to fix, then can you please remove my game (7041939546) from the FFlag above? A LOT of my players are complaining to me about these bugged animations (especially since my game is an Avatar Editor experience). You guys can feel free to re-add it after the bug gets fixed
This happens because of the Dinamic Heads. the same thing happened to me a long time ago. the recommendation I give you is to check the rigs of your characters (if you have any), if not, make new animations and modify the local animate script.
Hi! The head bug is fixed in our game, although our VR System is still broken? This seems to be an additional problem to this beta (only games within this beta have problems with Nexus VR). @ItsMuneeeb was removed from the beta (Catalog Avatar Creator) and his VR System (the same as ours) has been fixed.
Our players really want VR fixed and we get at least one or more players complaining every day.
VR System we use: Nexus VR – problem happens in only games with Facial Animation Streaming Beta FFlag.
We’re unsure what causes the problem, though we’d like to be removed from the beta (Korblox & Headless Hangout) until this problem has been fixed by either the Facial Animation team or the maintainer of Nexus VR.