Head floating above torso after changing the scale of Humanoid

Im trying to create a Height system in a game I’m Developing, however whenever I change the player humanoid’s Scaling (HeadScale, BodyWidthScale, BodyHeightScale, etc), I come across my players head floating above the torso rather than sitting on top. I’m not sure what the problem here is, and I have tried searching for similar things to no avail.

I’m wondering if I could forcibly change how the character’s Head sits on the body, but I havent had any luck with it.

Here’s a few screenshots of the floating head.


Not sure if this will help but here is the code I used to change the Scale.

function module.ResizeCharacter(givenModel,scale)
	local Humanoid = givenModel:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if Humanoid then
		if Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then
			print("CHARACTER RESIZER | Rig type R15")
			if Humanoid:FindFirstChild("HeadScale") then

				--if scale < 1 then -- Shorter
					--local HS = Humanoid.HeadScale
					local BWS = Humanoid.BodyWidthScale
					local BHS = Humanoid.BodyHeightScale
					--local rightEyeBlock = givenModel.Head:FindFirstChild("RightEyeBlock")
					--local leftEyeBlock = givenModel.Head:FindFirstChild("LeftEyeBlock")

					--HS.Value = HS.Value * scale
					BWS.Value = BWS.Value * scale
				BHS.Value = BHS.Value * scale
				--givenModel.Head.CFrame = givenModel.Head.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,50,0)
				--rightEyeBlock.Size = rightEyeBlock.Size * scale
				--leftEyeBlock.Size = leftEyeBlock.Size * scale
				--leftEyeBlock.CFrame = givenModel.Head.LeftEyeAttachment.WorldCFrame--v.CFrame * CFrame.new(-0.190,0.050,-0.470)
				rightEyeBlock.CFrame = rightEyeBlock.CFrame --* CFrame.new(0,0,0)
				local rightEyeWeld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
				rightEyeWeld.Parent= rightEyeBlock
				rightEyeWeld.Part0 = rightEyeBlock
				rightEyeWeld.Part1 = rightEyeBlock.Parent
				rightEyeBlock.CanTouch = true
				rightEyeBlock.CanCollide = false

				error("Not compatible character (BodyScale missing)")
               --Some stuff not related

Side note: Regardless of if HeadScale is turned on or off doesnt change the problem.
Side note 2: Everything Commented out is stuff not needed, I just commented it out incase I wanted to use it later without having to retype it.
Been at this all day. Help appreciated


Bumping this Because I still need help.

Try to change the scale by adjusting the HumanoidDescription

local desc = player.Character.Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
desc.HeadScale = .5
desc.HeightScale = .5
desc.WidthScale = .5
desc.DepthScale = .5

Also, if you are not wanting to use humanoiddescription. Try to rebuild the joints after you change the scales. Hunanodi.BuildRigFromAttachments, maybe that would work

The other answer didnt work, and this didnt “work” at first, However this did lead me to the answer. What I did was delete the Neck Joint in the Characters Head, then move it how I wanted, then do Humanoid:BuildRigFromAttachments() and it worked. Thanks

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