Head Keeps Breaking Into Pieces!

Hello, I am trying to make a Skin for my Game Meat Hunters. And The head keeps breaking, I’m not too sure whats happening

  • What are you attempting to achieve? Try to make the head there and not loose parts.

  • What is the issue? The head keeps breaking into parts and the main head part isn’t there when you test it. Screenshots below! 1st what is looks like (When its not test mode) can’t think of the name 2nd screenshot in play mode

  • What solutions have you tried so far? I have messed around with the Anchored, Can collide and Locked settings. And It doesn’t work

If you could help, that would be very good. Thanks

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Did you weld them together? If you didn’t, welding it might cause it to stop breaking apart.


This character doesn’t move, its a player Skin. But it keeps breaking.

Try copying the head and see if it still breaks when you click test.

It still breaks! Hmm, I not too sure

What do you mean by welding them? I tried that but it doesn’t work

Is it missing a Motor6d in the head?

If you do it manually, it won’t work. You should do it by script.

Steps to weld parts using a script
  1. Group all of the desired parts and insert a script to the group.
  2. Name the part which you want all of the parts to be welded to “MainPart” (Or however you’d like).
  3. Write the following script:
local Parts = script.Parent:GetChildren()
local MP = script.Parent.MainPart -- The name of the main part
for _,Part in pairs(Parts) do
    if Part:IsA("Part") and Part ~= MP then
    local Weld = Instance.new("Weld", Part)
    Weld.Part0 = MP
    Weld.Part1 = Part
    Weld.C0 = MainPart.CFrame:Inverse() * Part.CFrame 

For more details about how to use a script for welding, look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au7ZYdV8SSs

Edit: Set CanCollide to true, otherwise it will just fall.

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It hasn’t worked. I am not sure, what I can do now.

Did you turn CanCollide to true?

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Yes, I have enabled it. But It doesn’t work, I will try to re make it from scratch and hopefully it fixes.

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I just deleted it, and I re did it and it works.

Try putting the qPerfectionWeld script into your model.