Seeking a Assistant Project Manager
About Me
I’d first like to thank those that found the interest to read this job posting. It’s been awhile since I been in the development community, with Talent Hub releasing it was hard to continue what I love doing, showing others what I am capable of.
I created many games that were continued by others and some that ran out of operations. I am looking for a partner to start my return of the right way, that being said, I am seeking for a Assistant Project Manager and Head of Development.
The Team
@realismdevv - Project Manager
@username - Assistant Project Manager
@username - Head of Development
Job Information
One must obtain the proper skill in order to receive the role they’re applying for. It’s not guaranteed to land a position. Thank you all that found interest and applied.
Assistant Project Manager
In order to obtain this role you must know how to manage a group, must have experience in ownership, and must be experienced in multiple industries.
It’s best that you hold most knowledge in development to direct the development team in the best direction. It’s recommended that you have a creative mind-set, thinking outside the box. There is no end to possibilities. You must be able to provide funds for this project just like I will as well.
Head of Development
In order to obtain this position, you need to uphold most knowledge in all areas of development. You’d be in charge of managing the development team, the art they create is information collected from ‘project managers’ and any and all ideas from the development team. It’s your job to make sure development is getting done and is running smoothly on a daily.
You are the head of development, it’s your job to find developers and communicate with project managers. Creating rules for developers to follow would help prevent chaos.
You may ask me questions about the positions if you wish, thank you for reading.
Apply & Contact
You can contact me on DevForum or Discord - realismdevv
Please do not come into my DMs saying “Hi i want to apply” “hi can i apply” or “hi.” Please send your portfolio and give me a little incite of your development history.
Normal requirements:
- Must be mature and professional
- Must not have safechat and be older than 15 years of age
- At least 1 year of experience in the development industry
- Be active and communicate with the development team daily
- Have an impressive portfolio or resume
- Give creative ideas towards the table
Job-specific Requirements:
- Creative Mindset
- A clear understanding in development
- Understanding scripts, GUI, 3D Models, and builds.
- Experience in working with a development team
- Understanding different types of game testing
Payment will be discussed in DMs and my payment is always based on the skills offered.
Thank you once again for reading, I hope to work with you soon.