Headless Horseman Dynamic Head hides display names, and health bars

Setting the transparency of a character head to 1 is a classic trick that hides display names and health bars.

The new Headless Horseman head is a fully rigged dynamic head (with bones and face controls that will never be seen) that has its transparency set to 1, because of this any characters wearing this head have their display name and health bars hidden.

This is also likely to break some games’ code that handles hiding/showing character models if checks aren’t already in place for transparent body parts.

Expected behavior

An avatar’s body parts should not interfere with core user interface elements.


And this wont be headless on r6…


It honestly was super poorly implemented to use a transparency of 1 instead of just simply using an invisible image through SurfaceAppearance without issue. Or the easier route of just not making it a dynamic head in the first place as it worked perfectly fine as a classic head.


Thanks for the report, We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!


Hi folks,

This issue should be fixed. Thank you.


I noticed that the R15 version isn’t dynamic now and doesn’t support eyebrows and such properly (they snap to the middle of the head). This seems like a regression

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That’s correct.

We ran into two problems with the Dynamic Head version. Once is the problem that’s described in this thread, which we fixed by changing how we made the head transparent. However, in doing so, we created a new issue where the head was no longer transparent in the Avatar Editor window.

We’re looking for a solution that will fix both issues. Right now, if we stay with the Dynamic Head, we’ll have either one of this issues occur.

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