Headless Horseman GFX

I made this GFX of the headless horseman pack to celebrate the fact that we’re nearing Halloween. Any critique is vv appreciated! It is one of my first times making scenic GFX, and I decided to use a forest scene from Blendswap. I was going to add gravestones and more pumpkins but sadly my laptop couldn’t handle more :((


The horse man needs a bit more lighting so that people can see that he exists. But overall it looks pretty good! Keep it up.


Dam that looks really good, very good job! Yes maybe the horseman need a little more lightning like @OhLordiez mentioned

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tyy! is this better?


Wow! That looks really good! Something I would recommend this is in my opinion though, would be to add little blood splatters that aren’t very visible, but would add the evil (and a halloweeny) feel.

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If this is the watermark, I recommend you make it more seeable, Its unclear who made it.
Screenshot 2021-09-19 132924

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thanks for your suggestion! here’s the final piece :blush:


That’s amazing! Good job :slight_smile: and keep up the good work!

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so your initials are SRAJ?

It says skai but with a curly k.

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Oo, this looks very epic, I love the detail

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Looks great! Would be much cooler if you add some fog in the scene, but I guess your laptop can’t handle that since my potato laptop can’t even handle that too.
However, you can try using a render farm like Google Collab or SheepIt (both are free). I mostly use that if my scene is too extreme, or the animation can potentially burn my laptop after 12 hours of rendering.

Overall, your render is amazing! Compared to my renders, this is much better. Keep up the work!