Health Bar Glitching Out Horizontal Instead of Vertical Which I wanted

Quick Help? I am scripting my Custom Health Bar which is “Vertical” but The Damage is going Horizontal. Here is my script for my health bar

The Reason I circled the numbers because I think the numbers are used for Horizontal Health Bars Not Vertical. The Scripting and everything is correct. Nothing wrong. Its just the numbers. Here is what my health bar looks like.image

When damage is going horizontal image

I need the Damage going down Not left. If someone could correct the numbers or my script to fix this issue would be appreciated so If I make anymore mistakes I can remember the script.

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If you want to do it on a vertical scale, use the Y-axis scale. You are actually using the X-axis. Replace the units that scale.

script.Parent.Size =, 0, Damage / Humanoid.MaxHealth, 0)

And also, you may want to change the AnchorPoint of the frame so that the green frame goes down when your health decreases. Make it 0, 1