I want it to display the amount of health the player has ontop of their head (just the number so if i have 50 of health then it will say 50)
The Billboard appears but it stays as the default text I put in the beginning and if I lose damage that does nothing, https://gyazo.com/34f0f813ee963eeb42668868e25ecf54 and https://gyazo.com/280ed3fa2940970d3b596e58515f187e
I cannot figure it out its been 3 hours I’ve been trying to fix this and I’ve looked all over yt and the devforum and nothing works so this is my last straw
-- This is a local script
local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character
script.Parent.Parent = char.Head
local Humanoid = plr.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Health = Humanoid.Health
local MaxHealth = Humanoid.MaxHealth
local HealthGui = script.Parent.GUI.HealthGUI.HealthNum
while true do
HealthGui.Text = Health