How can I add a part that regenerate your healt when it is crossed ?
Hook the Touched event of the part to a function. That function should have the object that touched the part as an argument. In this instance, let’s call it Part
. Have it check the parent and check if it has a Humanoid with FindFirstChildOfClass()
. If it does, have the humanoid’s health be added by a set amount. You can do this through the Humanoid’s function, TakeDamage()
and input a negative number or use Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.Health + x
, with x
being your designated number.
You could also put a limit on it with a boolean, if that suits your fancy.
Too confusing? Here’s some pseudocode.
local mainPart = workspace.Part
local canHeal = true
local cooldown = 5
local healAmount = 15
local function healOnTouch(part)
if part and part.Parent then
local Humanoid = part.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
if Humanoid then
if canHeal then
canHeal = false
Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.Health + healAmount -- or Humanoid:TakeDamage(-healAmount)
canHeal = true
If looking for additional information along with what the other user has brought up, there is a guide that demonstrates what you mentioned in your question along with additional features on this ROBLOX Dev Wiki page.