Hey Devforum,
I am working on a health bar system for my game but there is one problem everything works fine but I want to know how to make a text come up saying +5 for my health or -5 if I take damage
like this.
you could do something like this
local oldHealth = 100
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character
local humanoid = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if oldHealth >= health then
--change the ui to be green and display the health diff
elseif oldHealth <= health then
--change the ui to be red and display the health diff
oldHealth = health
not sure if this would work/if this is what your even looking for
it could work i got to look through it. but what I am trying to do to give you context is make a system where if I take damage it displays how much damage i took and if I gain health it shows how much health I gained.
yeah, thats what that does, you just have to make the ui/set the ui’s textcolor to wtv (as said by the comment in the script)
alright let me try it out in studio
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character
local screenGui = script.Parent
local greenTextLabel = screenGui.Green
local redTextLabel = screenGui.Red
-- Make sure the character exists before accessing the humanoid
if char then
local humanoid = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if humanoid then
local health = humanoid.Health
local healthDiff = oldHealth - health
if healthDiff > 0 then
-- Decrease in health, show red text
redTextLabel.Text = "-" .. tostring(healthDiff)
redTextLabel.Visible = true
greenTextLabel.Visible = false -- Hide green text
elseif healthDiff < 0 then
-- Increase in health, show green text
greenTextLabel.Text = "+" .. tostring(math.abs(healthDiff))
greenTextLabel.Visible = true
redTextLabel.Visible = false -- Hide red text
oldHealth = health
This is what I have so far but its not working properly, the text doesnt appear.
my guess is because you never defined oldHealth until the bottom of the script, so the top of the script got nil
This stops working if the character doesn’t immediately exist or if the character dies/resets.
-- all the character code from @DemonicPandazYT
Edit: in practice, I’d do this:
local function OnChar(char)
local humanoid = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if humanoid then
local health = humanoid.Health
local healthDiff = oldHealth - health
if healthDiff > 0 then
-- Decrease in health, show red text
redTextLabel.Text = "-" .. tostring(healthDiff)
redTextLabel.Visible = true
greenTextLabel.Visible = false -- Hide green text
elseif healthDiff < 0 then
-- Increase in health, show green text
greenTextLabel.Text = "+" .. tostring(math.abs(healthDiff))
greenTextLabel.Visible = true
redTextLabel.Visible = false -- Hide red text
oldHealth = health
if plr.Character then OnChar(plr.Character) end
i was able to modify that script and this is what i have
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local indicatorFrame = script.Parent -- Reference to the Frame for indicators
local previousHealth = humanoid.Health
local maxIndicators = 4 -- Maximum number of indicators on screen
local indicatorList = {} -- Store indicator instances
local cooldown = false
local cooldownTime = 2 -- Cooldown time in seconds
local function createIndicator(amount, isDamage)
local indicator = Instance.new("TextLabel")
indicator.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 20)
indicator.Position = UDim2.new(0, math.random(0, indicatorFrame.AbsoluteSize.X - 100), 0, math.random(0, indicatorFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y - 20))
indicator.BackgroundTransparency = 1
indicator.TextScaled = true
indicator.Text = (isDamage and "-" or "+") .. tostring(amount)
indicator.TextColor3 = isDamage and Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) or Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) -- Red or Green color
indicator.Font = Enum.Font.LuckiestGuy
indicator.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 -- Set text stroke transparency to 0
indicator.Parent = indicatorFrame
table.insert(indicatorList, indicator)
wait(2) -- Display the indicator for 2 seconds
table.remove(indicatorList, 1) -- Remove the indicator from the list
local function onHealthChanged()
local healthDifference = humanoid.Health - previousHealth
if healthDifference < 0 then
print("Creating damage indicator:", math.abs(healthDifference))
local numIndicators = math.ceil(math.abs(healthDifference) / 5) -- Calculate the number of damage indicators to display
for i = 1, numIndicators do
createIndicator(5, true) -- Display damage indicators
elseif healthDifference > 0 then
if not cooldown then
local numIndicators = math.ceil(healthDifference / 5) -- Calculate the number of healing indicators to display
print("Creating", numIndicators, "healing indicator(s)")
for i = 1, numIndicators do
createIndicator(5, false) -- Display healing indicators
cooldown = true
cooldown = false
wait(cooldownTime) -- Wait for the existing cooldown
previousHealth = humanoid.Health
but there is one problem, the health stacks for example when i eat a frut that has 3 clicks it says +5 +10 +15 and when i take damage its the same