Heat® Official Handbook and Rules

I. Interview Times

Weekdays: Monday/Wednesday/Friday @ 5 P.M. EST
Weekends: Saturday @ 11 AM & 5 PM EST

II. Group Shouting

  • When it is your time to host, please make sure that you are using the correct and appropriate group shout.
  • Example group shout: ANN || Looking for a job? Attend interviews at the interview center! (Customers only!)
  • You should give the customer a number and then tell them to sit in a chair with their numbers. Once it is time for interviews, you may lock the server (or unlock if needed) by using :slock on or :slock off.
  • Group shout: ANN || Interview sessions are s-locked! Feel free to send an application or attend the next interview session.

III. Beginning the Session

When someone has shouted that the server is server locked, interviewers are required to STS (Shoulder-to-shoulder).
You may have a minimum of two MR/HRs to supervise the lobby. The host will then announce that the interview session will begin.

IV. Interviewing

  1. You may then ask the customers if they are ready to be interviewed. If there are not enough interviewers, you may take another customer. You will then lead them into one of the interview rooms.
  2. You may ask the interviewee 5 questions out of the ten below.


  • How would you benefit Heat?
  • Rate your grammar from 1-10.
  • How active are you from 1-10?
  • Why do you think we should hire you over other candidates?
  • Do you have experience in any other groups? If so, please list them.
  • Do you have any strengths or weaknesses?
  • What would you do to help Heat become more popular?
  • How would you deal with a troller or a rude customer?
  • Why do you want to work for Heat?
  • How would you greet a customer if they approached you?
  1. During the interviews, please be sure to pay attention to the interviewee’s answers. Make sure they utilize correct grammar, such as proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

  2. When you are deciding whether they have passed or failed, be sure to explain why they passed or failed. You may kick the customers that have failed. If they passed, you may congratulate them and politely ask them to leave the interview center.

  3. After the interview session is done, you may change the shout.
    Example: Interviews have concluded! Why not head down to the cafe for some drinks?

I. Training Times

Weekdays: Tuesday/Thursday @ 5 PM EST
Weekends: Sunday @ 1 PM & 6 PM EST

II. Group Shouting

  • Shout that you are hosting 5 to 15 minutes before server-locking. Example group shout: ANN || Training sessions are held at 6 PM EST! (Trainees-Senior Baristas only are allowed to attend.)
  • When all of the Trainees-HC Members are present in the server, and it is time to start, you may server lock and shout that the session is going on at the moment. Example group shout: ANN || Training Sessions are server locked! Sorry if you couldn’t make it, but there are plenty of other chances!

III. Getting Organized

  1. You may now choose who will be training with you as a trainer. Make sure you have enough trainers for all of the Trainees that are present.
  2. Once both trainers and all Trainees/HC Members are ready, you may teleport them and ask them to line up STS (Shoulder-to-shoulder).

IV. Beginning Trainings

  1. You must allow every trainer to introduce themselves. Afterward, recite the rules using the :m command.

Rule #1: All staff members are required to use grammar at ALL times. It is mandatory.

Rule #2: Disrespectful and negative comments are NOT tolerated during trainings, you will be demoted a rank if you do.

Rule #3: Please follow all the instructions the Host/Co-Host/Trainers say.

Rule #4: If PTS (Permission-to-speak) is in use and you speak, you’ll start off with a warning. If you continue, you’ll be kicked from trainings and will no longer be allowed to attend.

Rule #5: HAVE FUN!

  1. Once you have recited the rules, you should name your trainers in a numbered sequence.

  2. After naming your trainers, name the Trainees-HC Members in the same numbered sequence as the trainers.

  3. When everyone is named, trainers can find a spot to train. You may use the :m command to tell the the Trainees-HC Members to follow their trainers.

V. Stages of Trainings

Stage #1: Greetings: All staff are required to have an appropriate and suitable greeting at the restaurant when serving customers.
Example greeting: Hello! Welcome to Heat! How may I help you?

Stage #2: Grammar Correction: Give your Trainees-HC Members an incorrect sentence that needs to be grammatically corrected.
Example sentence: huLloo me nume iz bob h0w mey i halp u to day

Stage #3: Serving: Ask your Trainees-HC Members to recover a few of the items that you ordered. The maximum things you can order at a time is 3.

Stage #4: Trolling Tests: During this stage, the trainer will be acting as a “troller”. We expect all staff to give the troller/rude customer 2 warnings before calling an admin to kick.

Once you have completed a stage, you may use the :name command to keep track of the number of the number of stages the Trainees-HC Members passed.
Example: :name (USER) 1/4

After the training session has concluded, you may write the names of the people who passed down and tell an admin to rank them.

You may change the group shout once trainings have finished.
Example group shout: ANN || Trainings have ended! Congrats to those who have passed. Why not head down to the Cafe for some ice cream?

Q: Are you a restaurant or a cafe?
A: We are certainly not a cafe! Our unique menu and ambience is reminiscent of and inspired by the real-world Shake Shack, and therefore we are a restaurant. However, we do have some cafe elements within our establishment.

Q: How can I become an HR or an SR, and why can’t I apply to become one?
A: Our HR and SR roles are restricted to only the most devoted staff members. MR staff who exhibit integrity and contribute significantly toward Heat are most likely to be promoted to these roles. As such, you may not apply or be interviewed for an HR/SR position.

Q: Why can’t I become an MR either?
A: If you find yourself pondering this question, it is likely because our MR applications have closed. These closures happen periodically once all of our roles have met their respective quotas. We implore you not to be discouraged by them! Whenever we find ourselves to be understaffed (which happens quite often due to resignations or promotions), we reopen MR applications. Be patient and you may find us in this position!

Q: Is this group related to Caliente?
A: Yes! We at Heat consider our group to be a successor to Caliente. As previously we faced numerous issues that could not be fixed and a debilitating hack that deterred our staff, Heat was founded to combat these problems.

Q: If there is a problem at the restaurant that I would like to report, who should I go to?
A: Our helpful HR and SR staff members would be delighted to assist you if you encounter any blights at the restaurant. Your input is crucial to us, and the best thing you can do in this situation is go to an HR+. If you are at the cafe and are an LR staff member, you should additionally go to a Staff Assistant if present.

Q: When do game nights occur? (Staff and VIPs only)
A: Game nights happen once a month. If there are widespread scheduling conflicts across the board, a postponement may be imminent. We may forget to hold a game night, so feel free to remind a corporate member (HR/SR) so that the message is conveyed to the Chairman.

  1. Before teleporting to someone, use :pm (username) asking their permission to do so. If it is serious, then you may teleport without permission.
  2. Do not insert any models.
  3. Do not use building tools.
  4. Do not kill, hurt, or troll any other players.
  5. Do not use the :char command.
  6. Do not use the :name command unless your real username is showing
  7. Do not in any way alter structures within our games.
  8. Do not use the :view command unless it’s an emergency
  9. You may use the :view command on LRs- and fellow MR’s.
  10. You may :pm others in order to privately chat.
  11. Do not use :m unless you want to send out an important message for the group.
  12. Restrict use of :h to a minimum
  13. Do not use the :gear command unless it is being used during an event at the restaurant.
  14. Do not lag the server with any commands. (This could result in a temporary ban. If done again and again it will result in a permanent ban.)
  15. Do not abuse admin (AA)
  16. Do not misuse the donor command
  17. Use the other commands not listed cautiously and responsibly. Just because we did not list them does not mean they’re not considered admin abuse. We don’t have the time to list off every single command that you cannot use. Use common sense.

  1. Customer - A regular group member.
  2. Suspended - Banned group members will find themselves categorized here. All permissions are prevented from being used.
  3. Noted Customer - A group member who has shown great devotion to Heat or has made themselves notable on the website. Giveaway winners and group representatives are categorized here as well.
  4. Trainee (LR) - A staff member studying to become a Junior Crew Member.
  5. Junior Crew Member (LR) - A fledgling staff member who works at the restaurant. They are often tasked with taking customers’ orders.
  6. Crew Member (LR) - A proficient staff member who works at the restaurant. They are often tasked with preparing customers’ orders.
  7. Head Crew Member (LR) - An advanced staff member who has gone to extreme lengths to prove themselves at the restaurant. They are tasked with taking and preparing customers’ orders.
  8. Shift Supervisor (MR) - A staff member who is in charge of supervising all shifts that take place. They are required to attend as many as they can.
  9. Staff Assistant (MR) - A staff member who is in charge of all LR ranks on the restaurant grounds. Any questions or problems pertaining to the restaurant originating from LRs should be directed to the S.A., and therefore they should be extremely knowledgeable of Heat.
  10. Assistant Manager (MR) - A staff member who accommodates the General Manager. These members also deputize General Managers when they are unable to be present.
  11. General Manager (MR) - A staff member who is in charge of attending to the entirety of the restaurant.
  12. Chief Operations Officer (HR) - A staff member who maintains all operations within the restaurant run smoothly.
  13. Chief Communications Officer (HR) - A staff member who maintains relations with other groups and our allies. They also hold extrapersonal events and parties.
  14. Chief Executive Officer (HR) - A staff member who oversees the C.O.O. and C.C.O.
  15. Developer (SR) - A contractor who is hired by Heat to build and script the restaurant or other adjunct properties. They also may be a permanent team member.
  16. Vice President (SR) - A staff member who assists the President.
  17. President (SR) - A staff member who assists the Chairman.
  18. Chairman (SR) - The owner of Heat.

This section will be updated to include recipes once our machines have been made.


Earth Burger


Cheese Fries
Truffle Fries
Chili Fries

Hot Dogs

Hot Dog
Chicken Dog
Chili Dog


Salted Caramel


Iced Tea
Half and Half
Piña Colada
Apple Juice


Salted Caramel Chip Cookie

This is the official warning system guide for Heat. If any staff sees a troller/exploiter they should use this guide to help them deal with the miscreant.

If you see a troller in-game and they begin to disobey the rules, you are to provide them with a warning using the :warn command. Please do not use the :name command unless you are restricted to it otherwise. Example: :warn (player) (reason). Once they reach 2 warnings, you are to kick them. If you have no admin, request the assistance of an MR+ to kick them. If they rejoin and receive 2 warnings again, they are to be banned.

There are very different protocols for exploiters. If you see an exploiter hacking the game, they are to be automatically banned. Likewise, if you do not have admin, you are to call for an MR/HR to ban them. Please assess the time of their ban based on their behavior. If the exploiter affects the experience of others, they should be permanently banned by using the :pban command.

If you have any questions about this guide, feel free to ask an SR via Roblox PM.

For you to submit an alliance request, you are expected to answer these application questions to the best of your proficiency. Before submitting an alliance request, please make sure that your group meets Heat’s standards to ally with us. Send your application to any trustable Super Rank once you have finished.

Group Expectations

  • Your group must have 100+ members.
  • Your group must maintain a good reputation and a positive foundation.
  • Your group must have staff that deploy maturity and professionalism at all times.
  • Your group must be active and willing to benefit Heat.
  • Your group must have a representative within our group, ranked as a Noted Customer.

Application Questions

  1. What group are you submitting an alliance request for?
  2. Why should Heat ally with your group?
  3. How will your group benefit Heat?
  4. How many members does your group currently have?
  5. Who are some of the spokespersons from your group that we could communicate with?
  6. Why do you think your group stands out more than other groups trying to ally with Heat?


eclosion - Chairman
iTiffolex - President
ILOVEFOXY12345 - Vice President
magic_angie123 - Vice President

Approved by eclosion


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