Heated Restaurant Handbook [V1]

MADE: 12/06/2020
Last Updated: 03/20/21

‘Heated’ “We Grill, just to Prefill” Heated; our MAIN task is to provide one of the best dining experiences you’ll ever have, we can ensure a Quality Establishment, Fast Service, and top-quality attractions built to keep you entertained! How to get a job? - Make an Application Here! Attend Training! - Get Promoted and start working!


Training Center
Interview Center
Event Center



handbook banner

Punishment Protocols:


Heated expects customers and visitors to follow the rules and regulations we set out for the community. Our staff will ensure these regulations are enforced properly at all heated facilities. Making sure everyone follows the rules of our facilities ensures that our community is a safe, and friendly community for this wonderful Heated Community!

Information To Know

The procedure of warning a member of Heated is a reminder after the warning that you will receive warn to a kick from a shift leader. Once you have been kicked by the shift leader, You will be banned from our facility for a day, Once you have been banned for the day and still miss behaving Heated Have the right to ban you from the facility Permanently.

Minor Offences: reminder + warning + -kick + -ban

Major Offences: warning + -permaban

To check a user’s warnings head to the (COMING SOON)

Heated reserves the ability to take action against you, even though it may not be listed as a minor or major offense. Information about appealing your permanent ban can be found (CLICK ME).

Minor Offences

If you see someone breaking a minor or major offense, be sure to refer back to the Punishment Procedures listed above!

The following reasons can be a minor offense:

Curse word.
To ensure that our community is safe and also a friendly community, we have to actively ensure that curse words are not being used NONE at Heated Facilities.

Using capitals at any of the Heated facilities is punishable. Found using excessive capitals may lead to disrupting the Restaurant. If found doing so, you/the customer will be punished with a minor warning.

Trolling or bothering others should be common sense not to do so. However, if you are found doing so, you/the customer may be warned.

If you are caught arguing with a member of our staff, the customer or you will be warned for causing a disruption. Along with any questions, you can always contact a Shift leader-member if you feel like your punishment was unfair. If they deem your ban reasonable, then you/the customer will have to fill in a ban appeal to send to The Board Of Directors+

Major Offences

If you see someone breaking a major offense, be sure to refer back to the Punishment Procedures listed on the top of the page!

Spamming is a form of disruption, and you will be kicked immediately once found spamming. If you join back and continue, you will be banned permanently, If you think you were miss treated fill out a BAN APPEAL.

Racist/vulgar comments.
Racist/crude comments are prohibited and gore. If found being racist or vulgar towards a customer or staff, you will be kicked immediately and banned by the moderation Team if you continue.

Insulting others or causing a disruption.
Insulting others or causing disruption is strictly prohibited. If found insulting others or discriminating against others, you will be kicked immediately and banned if you continue. Please do not create disturbances, we instead handle it in a DM on discord or ROBLOX. Please contact Shift Leader+ to discuss any issues that may occur.

Glitching into staff areas.
If found glitching into a staff area, you will be Permanently BANNED and can get it appealed. This is a huge major offense!!

Rank Descriptions:
         Rank Descriptions

LR (Low Ranks) | (Awaiting Trainee - Executive Chef)

Awaiting Trainee - Awaiting Trainee is the FIRST rank of becoming a staff here in Heated! Trainees are required to work behind the counter. In order to get promoted, they must attend an Awaiting Trainee Training session!

Cashier -Cashier is the second level in Heated! The cashier goes to our amazing Restaurant and takes people’s orders and makes them feel welcomed!
Experienced Cashier - Experienced Cashier is the third level in Heated! To be able to get this role you would need to have 200 Points in the game!

Chef - Chef the fourth level is Heated! They are required to go in the back (In the Kitchen) And cook up amazing food for our customers!

Executive Chef - Executive Chef the Fith and FINAL level in Heated as a Low Rank! They are required to know everything in the cooking book and make anything in the kitchen from the back of the head! (To be able to get this you would need to have 400 points and Apply!)

MR (Middle Ranks) | (General Manager - Assistant Supervisors)

General Manager - General Manager is the highest middle rank you could get, the duties of the General manager are to try and help out the community by going into the restaurant and moderating the area by helping out with any complaints that you may receive, and try and fix the case!

Assistant Manager - Assistant Managers is the second highest middle rank you can receive. Assistant Manager helps report anything that the General Manager needs. being moderating the LR’s. the customers and also observing the area.

Heated Moderation Team - Heated Moderation Team is a more community-based rank, they will regularly be in the discord and restaurant keeping everything civil, solving problems, and dealing with troublemakers. To get it you need to apply and then go through the training.

Heated Training Assistants - Heated Training Assistants is where you would go to training and help the host in whatever they might need and prove yourself worthful. You will need to study the training document and attend training as much as possible and help our lower ranks grow.

Supervisor - Supervisor is very similar to Assistant Supervisors in which they supervise the restaurant and participate in any shifts they can. After a week of being an Assistant Supervisor, you may apply for Supervisor and wait for a Director Management Team to read it.

Assistant Supervisors - Assistant Supervisor supervises the restaurant and participates in any shifts they can. Interns must have more than 550 points and take an application that will be given to a Director Management Team that will promote them. They will go to training where they will learn about our protocols, Code of Conducts, and how to host a shift.

Rank Descriptions

HR (High rank) | (Board of Directors - Human Resource Director)

Board of Directors - As Board Of Director, you are the biggest role that benefits Heated calling all shots. as Board of Directors, you manage all of the directors keeping Heated up making sure that the directors get the stuff done, and making sure Heated is striving. You will also call the shots when it comes to hiring bigger positions such as agreeing or disagreeing on future COO’s / CEO and Vice Presidents.

Director Of Executives - As apart of the Human Resource Director team you’re responsible to handle Alliance representatives and finding different strategies on expanding Heated populating it etc. making any documents that Heated needs done and keep them updated IF anything changes.

Director Management Team - As a Management Director you’re responsible for managing the MR team and also are in charge of making any documents that Heated needs done and keep them updated IF anything changes.

Human Resource Director - As a Human Resource Director you’re responsible for managing the MR team and also are in charge of making any documents that Heated needs done and keep them updated IF anything changes.

Executive Assistant - Executive Assistant will be given permission to act individually in said rank, they will be given a 1-week trial to prove they know what to do and will be able to work in said rank properly. If they pass the trial they shall move up, if they fail they will go back to the rank they were before becoming Executive in Training.

Executive In Training - Executive In Training is the rank you will be given once you apply for any HR rank, their job is to learn from the mentor they have been given in said rank until they can show that they have learned how to do the job properly to the mentor then they will be promoted to Executive Assistant if their mentor approves them.

SHR( Senior High Ranks) | (Developer - Chief Operations Officer)

Developer - The developer is the one who makes the UI’s, buildings, scripting and is one of the core resources to Heated.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - Chief Executive Officer is the overseer of all MRs and HRs and works with corporate partners to assist them to grow and Heated grow. They are the leader of the entire staff team and make major corporate decisions to help Heated.

Chief Operations Officer (COO) - Chief Operations Officer is an experienced executive that oversees the day-to-day administration of Heated and the choices as a business. The Chief Operations Officer will report to the Chief Executive Officer on all major decisions.

Alliance Handbook:

Alliance Rules

By being an ally with HEATED, you are expected to follow our rules. If any rules are broken, if we need to we will take action to ensure that the rules are enforced. For HEATED we want to have an awesome relationship with our alliances! We also want to make sure our alliances [as a whole] to be professional, mature, kind, positive, and willing to get along with each other! :slight_smile:

  • Trolling is strictly PROHIBITED at any of our locations which include [restaurant, training center, Discord, etc.] Also depending on the situation we will have to terminate and blacklist an alliance that breaks this rule.
  • Your group should ALWAYS be professional, mature, kind, and positive.
  • If your group is caught scamming your alliance will be terminated and blacklisted. Scamming is not tolerated here.
  • We have a zero-tolerance for drama! This is a big rule for HEATED. This goes for both of our own community and our alliances.

Alliance Requirements

Here are the requirements that must be met before we alliance with your group. If you do not meet the requirements, your group and the application with be declined.

Your group must have these requirements

  • Must have 50+ non-botted members
  • Must be professional and maintain a good reputation within Roblox.
  • Must be an active Roblox group
  • Must have an active discord group
  • At Least 1-2 rep in our discord server and Roblox group
  • The group may not be a military group, fan server, or any type of group without an industry.

Alliance Expectations

Once an alliance is formed between HEATED and your group, we have expectations that we expect you to follow. Here are the requirements.

We expect you to.

  • shoutout all of our events that HEATED will be hosting
  • have a professional staff team and group
  • Do alliance visits
  • keep in contact with our PRD (public relation department)
  • Follow our alliance rules

Alliance Application

If your group meets our requirements, please answer the questions below to the best of your ability. We advise you to formulate the application onto a Google Document and to ensure that you include impeccable detail in your writing. Please send the completed application to any individual in Public Relations or to Chief Operations Officer (COO).

  1. What is your group name? Please describe the group and provide group links.
  2. Why would you like to be allied with us?
  3. How many members are in your group and discord server have while you are writing this?
  4. How would you help benefit us?
  5. What are a few goals you wish to accomplish throughout this alliance?
  6. What makes your group different from other groups?
  7. How active is your Roblox group and discord?
  8. Do you understand that we will have to terminate or blacklist this alliance if we encounter anything that may be a threat to HEATED?
  9. Do you understand that you are expected to announce our events on your server when you are asked?
  10. If an alliance is formed we will need 1-2 representatives from your group to join our discord server. If so please put their username and their tag.

We wish you the best of luck!

Signed by Silver aka boogerbarbz. <3

Made by: Heated Founder IntervexYT