Height Map is not how it should look like in Roblox Studio

So i made a cool heightmap in Blender, the issue is that when i baked it, and i put it into Roblox Studio it doesn’t look like how it was in Blender.

Then I thought about it, because i did this one time back then, do i really need to make for every mountain a new heightmap ?

This is how the heightmap looks like from the PNG view:


it looks like something is wrong with your heightmap baking process. the lower portions of your terrain are being clipped and the upper portions are being smoothed out somehow. it almost looks like you applied a curves effect in photoshop to the end result. what does your process for baking your heightmap look like?

It’s not necessarily the file itself. There is a height limit to somewhere around 500 studs when generating terrain, so if you want to design a realistic landscape, you’re better off doing it the old fashioned way - by hand.