Helicopter Animation

Hello! I have recently made a little animation for my SCP game. I have just learned how to animate and applied it to my game. I essentially made it so when I touch an invisible part, it checks the debounce and then fires the animation if it hasn’t been fired already.

Would love to hear what you think about it.


I’d recommend making the helicopter blade spin faster, and making the helicopter nose point down slightly as it accelerates forwards.

If you wanted to add some extra detail you could make the helicopter move around a small bit while overhead and as @KnownMonarch said, make the nose point downwards as it exits. Also I noticed that you’ve got a different helicopter that flies away, maybe try use one and have an idle and movement animation for just one instead?

like others have said, the heli blade is pretty slow and the helicopter could be animated better, its to linear. im guessing your game is gonna be similar to scp secret lab, maybe take inspiration from there

Just like everyone, again increase the blade spin speed to look more realistic. Also, are adding landing and takeoff animation?

Make the animation more snapping