Hello ! i created a walk animation but it doesn’t work and i don’t know why so anyone can help me with that ?
here is the code if u want
Btw i did everything i put my avatar in r6 and created my own animation and copied id
Hello ! i created a walk animation but it doesn’t work and i don’t know why so anyone can help me with that ?
here is the code if u want
Btw i did everything i put my avatar in r6 and created my own animation and copied id
try changing the run value instead of walk, your character only walks when your movespeed is low
Is it in the settings? Because it still doesn’t work.
Did you change both in script and the value?
Ye i change the id of the script in animate and i chance the id of the walk anim
Oh so have you tried chaging the run anim yet?
oh no but I have to change the run animation so that it works?
Yea walk anim only play when your speed is super low. I suppose your game keep walkspeed at default aka 16 so yea your character will play run anim instead of walk anim
So I have to go to settings then avatar and I change the walkspeed by how much?
Make sure its the right avatar type like R6 or R15
Oh no no you can just change the run anim both in value and code.
I don’t know the exact amount around 5-8 i think? but you can just change the run anim for the animation work.
Yea like @Unofficial_Giftbox said make sure your animation is match with your RigType (R6 and R15)
idk why but it doesn’t work and i put my avatar to r6
Alright i guess we have to use alternative way then.
Someone made a script that allow you to change your animation and much better than roblox
then you create a script in ServerScriptService:
game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Animate2"):WaitForChild("Animations R6"):WaitForChild("RunningAnim").Value = "Your Id Here" --Make sure it is just id number not rbx:// stuff
I don’t know why in my game that I’m working on it doesn’t work and when I try on another game it works
Oh that is weird. Did you do anything else beside just changing animation?
yes I did other things before I did animation
Well i suppose you can move all the thing you did to that other game.
Or you can use the alternative way i said it is way better.
i did the alternative way but it didn’t work
Oh can i see your Explorer then?
what is the explorer ? it is the workspace