Help about vehicle and gravity

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Hello, I noticed that in some games the cars can stay stationary on slopes without moving, as if the car is momentarily not affected by gravity when it is on a slope. The little draw shows what I am trying to say. Do you know how they do this? Thanks for your help

This usually depends on what physical properties the steep road has.

Imagine if the road was made of ice, it would easily slip downwards, right?
Now imagine if the road was rocky, it would stay in place.

I already tried to modify the friction and other physical properties of the part without success, the gravity always makes the car move backwards if I stop it

Well if that doesn’t work (could be because it’s too steep), then what most games do is applying the brakes automatically.

You can anchor the car, or you can set the Friction property of the wheels to a very very high number, then change it back when it is moving.