Help achieving Emote Sync System

I was in the process of making an Emote Hub game, and saw a system inside of an other game that I believed to be very cool and good for quality of life. However, I do not know how to achieve it whatsoever.

The way the system works from what I viewed is that, whenever you click another player, if they are doing an emote, your emote will change to theirs, and will sync with them as well.

The game can be seen here: [X2 LEVELS] ⭐ TTD 3 - Roblox

How would I achieve this?

I do have an idea of how you could do this, but might take me a while to think of how to type it out. So please be a little patient while I think it through.

How are you playing the emotes on the players’ characters?

I am using a StarterGui script with buttons. Whenever they click the button corresponding to the emote, it plays the emote on the player, blah blah

You should have a variable somewhere that holds the current emote playing inside the local script. And when the player clicks on another, it will fire a RemoteEvent to take that players AnimationId and animatontrack time frame

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Alright, this helps a lot, thank you!

If you need help on how to do that just message me again.

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