Help animating part

Hello! I am wondering how I can make my parts rotate and move when a button is clicked. I’ve looked all over YouTube and couldn’t really find anything helpful and with my very minimal knowledge about scripting I don’t really have any idea where to start. All I need is a simple turn as shown below, any help would be very much appreciated!

I suggest using TweenService, a service that allows you to interpolate properties of an Instance, such as a Part’s orientation. Such a Tween would look like this:

local part = script.Parent
local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local tweenInfo =
	1, --Duration in seconds
	Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, --EasingStyle
	Enum.EasingDirection.Out, -- EasingDirection
	0, -- RepeatCount (when less than zero the tween will loop indefinitely)
	false, -- Reverses (tween will reverse once reaching it's goal)
	0 -- DelayTime in seconds
local tweenGoal = {Rotation = --[[new orientation of your choosing]]}
local tween = tweenService:Create(part,tweenInfo,tweenGoal)

You could then put this code block under a ClickDetector’s MouseClick event.

local part = script.Parent
local clickDetector = part.ClickDetector

	--Create and play tween