Help at game icon design

Hello Devforum,

since this is my first post I’m not sure if this is the correct category. Please let me know if it isn’t.

The last few weeks I’ve been working on a game and have recently created an icon for it.
The icon is pretty simple, it consists of a screenshot of the city in the background, with a red pattern on top of it. In the foreground, there is a statue from the game and some text.
Although it is pretty decent, I feel like the icon is missing some details and I can’t think of what might be missing. Feedback/criticism is welcome.

The picture:

Thank you for your time.


Hey there, I’ll suggest some things, hope you take my support into action…

  • The outline of the render, don’t use it.
  • The background could be the game background, it would look better without the red
  • As I said, you could put the game background and put like army aeroplanes flying instead of making it have more light at the top.
  • Font could be changed and you could put it in the down right corner.

The best of luck

@ me with a response

I suggest you quickly take a screenshot of the game, get the transparent version of the render, copy the text, and make a new version.

Looks like a rough cut of a screenshot. Here’s a few suggestions:



  • The font is too simple, add some additional details and depth.
  • Bland lighting on character; Blender has better features of that.
  • Colors don’t mix well in the background, and the pattern is uneven.


  • Alternatively for the background, you can add a clear view of your game’s cityscape.

Try slapping in a green screen behind the character. It allows easier editing with the right tools of the image manipulation software.

I recommend Blender, it’s free and can render powerful things. It can provide excellent tools to use. However, it looks confusing at first which means you have to use your time to learn the controls.

This appears to be beginner work. You’ll eventually improve in experience.

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Hello everyone,

thank you for your quick responses. I’ve taken all your tips and overworked the icon, I think it looks way more fitting now. Thank you for your time!

It’s okay, may we see the end result?

Hey, here is the final result. Ultimately I decided against planes in the sky. For the font, I really liked the way it looks so I didn’t change anything on that. I remade the statue and it is cut out from the background a lot cleaner now.



:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: That is all the new logo describes, good job!

Could you apply some Gaussian blur in the background? That would look better and make the foreground stick out more(improved visibility).


Hello there

I will recommend you to use lots of things right now.

1- I would suggest you to use R15 for the statue/player.

2- I would suggest you to use Photoshop to add the photo in.

3- I would suggest you to make the statue on a green screen and remove the green screen. There are lots of tutorials about that in YouTube.

4- I would suggest you to use Blender to render.

5- I would suggest you to blur the background of the image

6- I think the statue/player’s pose is a symbol of a racist thing so I would not suggest you to use that in your game because it might get you banned.

Thank you for reading. Good luck on your project. :grinning: