I would like to be able to create UI that isn’t too small nor too big.
Although I’m currently making UI that is too small (I use photoshop).
I was wondering what blank canvas size is best to use for large UI and what canvas size is best for buttons and other small UI.
A main problem with canvas sizes is that a UI’s size could vary a lot depending on what you are making. “Large UI” could mean anything, for example a background frame of a scoreboard, or a background frame of some sort of map voting panel. They could have completely different aspect ratios, but they would still qualify as “Large UI”. Because of this, there isn’t really a definitive size a canvas should be.
A workaround would be to anticipate the size of the canvas needed by creating a placeholder frame in Studio (which would be replaced with the final UI later).
I use a UIAspectRatioConstraint and size the frame to my need (using scale). I note down the AbsoluteSize of the frame.
Using an aspect ratio calculator (you can search for one on Google), I can quickly scale up the size needed by inputting the AbsoluteSize noted from earlier. I usually convert the size to one that is larger than normal, so it can be scaled down to my liking later.
I then create a blank canvas with the new calculated size (which would have the same aspect ratio as the placeholder frame). I use Illustrator for UI design, but in theory you can do the same thing in Photoshop.
Once I design the UI needed, I can scale the image to an appropriate size while exporting. This allows for complete control of UI size, preventing the UI from being too large or too small. If the file size of the final image is too large, I could easily scale down the UI a little.
So by this I should test out the size I need via studio and use the size given in properties? Sounds like a plan.